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Final 2.5.0 release (PyPi published) - Converters, construct_dict, get_function_params and more!

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@Someguy123 Someguy123 released this 05 Dec 03:02
· 45 commits to master since this release

2.5.0 - Converters, construct_dict, get_function_params

  • Includes commit 12da829 which enables 2.5.0 to function fully on Python 3.6 and 3.7 (prior to this commit
    some tests only worked on 3.8+)
commit 12da829
Date:   Thu Dec 5 02:39:32 2019 +0000
Add, fix get_function_params on older python

     - Added `` for running the unit tests on multiple python versions locally
     - Added `OrderedDictObject` to collections module, since python versions before 3.8 cannot reverse a normal dict.
     - Add unit tests for ordered dict object
     - Adjusted `get_function_params` to use the new OrderedDictObject (fixes failing tests on older python versions)

New Features / Additions

  • privex.helpers.common
    • Added get_function_params - which extracts and filters a function/method or class constructor's parameters, and
      outputs them in a dictionary
    • Added construct_dict, which allows you to either construct a class, or call a function using a dictionary of keyword arguments,
      using get_function_params to detect what arguments the class/function/method can take, including any parent classes, then
      filtering out any keyword arguments which would otherwise be rejected and cause a TypeError.
    • Added _filter_params, a private function used by the aforementioned functions to filter a dictionary or iterable of Parameter objects.
  • New module converters, containing functions/classes designed to convert/parse one type into another
    • convert_datetime converts both string date/time's as well as unix timestamps into datetime.datetime objects using dateutil.parser
    • convert_unixtime_datetime converts specifically UNIX epoch timestamps (can be string, int, float, Decimal etc.) into datetime.datetime objects,
      and is used by convert_datetime to handle unix timestamps.
    • convert_bool_int converts booleans True / False as well as string / int versions into integers 1 (true) and 0 (false)
    • convert_int_bool is mostly an alias to is_true, but exists for convenience and semantics (if there's a convert_bool_int, why not a convert_int_bool?)

Changes / Updates

  • Shrank the rather large copyright notice in most modules down to the small copyright block, and instead of dumping the whole X11 / MIT License text in there,
    the licence block simply states License: X11 / MIT. This should make the docs a bit more readable.

  • Added python-dateutil to the Pipfile

  • For sanity reasons, python-dateutil has been added to the install_requires (meaning it's auto-installed when you install privex-helpers). The package is relatively
    small and depends on just six, weighing in around 500kb (python-dateutil = 468kb, six = 36kb).

    It may be removed and refactored into a extra at a later point, but for now it's small and commonly required enough that it can be a dependency.

  • Added dateutil to the sphinx intersphinx mapping

  • Possibly other small changes I forgot to include


  • Added new test case TestInspectFunctions to test_general, which tests the new get_function_params and construct_dict functions.
  • Added new test module which contains test cases for the new converters module
    • TestConvertDate covers date/time related converters such as convert_datetime and convert_unixtime_datetime
    • TestConvertGeneral covers other converters that don't fit into a specific category (or would otherwise be pointless to categorize)