This is an Instagram clone developed using Flutter and Firebase.

- SignUp
- Login
- Forget Password
- Like Post
- Adding Comments to the post
- Share post
- Bookmark Post
- Follow the user
- unfollow the user
- You can add and delete your story
- You can view other user stories
- You can view your own story
- You can share posts using camera and gallery
- You can add caption to your posts.
Push notifications
- Notification to specific users when users like, comment on posts, or follow a user.
- Multicast notification to all the followers when the user posts or add to their story.
Local notifications when posting and adding to your story.
Notifications about your posts inside the app in the notification section.
- View posts of all the users on the search page excluding private account posts.
- Search users using their username in the search text field.
- User can view their posts
- User can view their no. of posts, followers, and following
- Users can add previous stories as highlights to their profile
- Users can view bookmarked posts
- Users can edit their (bio, tagline, profile photo, etc)
- Users can make their profile public or private
- user can log out from the app.
- Clone this repository.
- Create a new Firebase project
- Add Firebase to the cloned project as specified in the Firebase console
- This will create your firebaseOptions.dart file in this project.
- Now you can run this project using "flutter run" from the console.