β Variables, Literals, Primitive Data Types, Basic I/O Operators
β Best Practice in Naming Convention
β Java Comments, Basic Data Types, Variables
β Arithmetic Operators, Operator Precedence
β Taking User Input
β Java Control Flows, Boolean Data Type, Boolean Expressions
β Logical Operators, if, else if, else Statements
β Java Loops (for, while), break & continue Statements
β Java switch Statement
β Java Arrays - Creation, Accessing, Modifying using Loops
β Length Property of Arrays
β Multi-dimensional Arrays - Accessing, Finding Size
β User-Defined Methods & Reusability
β Making Methods More Dynamic
β Recursive Methods, Static Methods
β Java Standard Library Methods (java.lang.Math Class)
β Handling Strings & Common String Functions
β Functions, Parameter Passing & Return Values
β Few common built-in functions - Random, Math
β Introduction to Date & Time Handling
β Procedural vs Object-Oriented Programming
β Classes & Objects
β Creating Classes with Methods & Variables
β Using Objects
β Getter and Setter
β Java Constructors
β Instance vs. Class Variables
β Access Modifiers
β this Keyword - Referencing Class Elements
β static Keyword - Associating Variables & Methods with Class
β final Keyword - Making Variables Immutable
β instanceof Operator - Checking Objectβs Class Type
β Classes vs. Objects in Java
β Class Diagram
β Object Diagram
β Sequence Diagram
β Class, Object, and Sequence diagram of School Result application, Grocery Store Bill generation
β Object relationships and Communication problems regarding Aggregation, Association, and Composition
β Inheritance
β Types of Inheritance
β Key features of Inheritance
β Method overriding
β Constructor Inheritance in Java
β Polymorphism and Inheritance
β Access Modifiers and Inheritance
β Solved Basic Problems related to Inheritance like Animal Hierarchy, Employee Management System, and Vehicle and Transport System.
β Topic-wise problems on:
- Single Inheritance (Library Management and Smart Home Devices)
- Multilevel Inheritance (Online Retail Order Management and Educational Course Hierarchy)
- Hierarchical Inheritance (Bank Account Types and School System with Different Roles)
- Hybrid Inheritance (Restaurant Management System and Vehicle Management System)
β Encapsulation
β Polymorphism
β Compile and Run-time Polymorphism
β Interface
β Abstract Classes
β Employee Management System
β E-Commerce Platform
β Vehicle Rental System
β Banking System
β Library Management System
β Online Food Delivery System
β Hospital Patient Management
β Ride-Hailing Application
β Introduction of Data Structure
β Key Features of Data Structure in Java
β Types of Data Structure in Java
β Single Linked list
β Double Linked List
β Circular Linked List
β Topic-wise problems on:
- Single Linked List (Student Record Management, Inventory Management System, Social Media Friend Connection)
- Double Linked List (Movie Management System, Library Management System, Undo/Redo Functionality of Text Editor)
- Circular Linked List (Task Scheduler, Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm, Online Ticket Reservation System)
β Stack
β Queue
β HashMap and Hashing Function
β Stack and Queue:
- Implement a Queue using Stack
- Sort a Stack using recursion
- stock span problem
- sliding window maximum
- Circular Tour Problem
β HashMap and Hashing Function:
- find all subarrays with zero sum
- check for a pair with a given sum in an array
- Longest Consecutive Sequence
- Implement a custom HashMap
- Two sum problem
β Bubble Sort
β Insertion Sort
β Merge Sort
β Quick Sort
β Bubble Sort - Sort Student Marks
β Insertion Sort - Sort Employee IDs
β Merge Sort - Sort an Array of Book Prices
β Quick Sort - Sort Product Prices
β Selection Sort - Sort Exam Scores
β Heap Sort - Sort Job Applicants by Salary
β Counting Sort - Sort Student Ages