A minimalist cross-platform stock price tracker built with Flutter.
- Download and install Flutter.
- Go to the "Code" tab of this repository, click "Clone or download," and copy the link.
- Open Android Studio, click "Check out project from Version Control," and select "Git."
- Paste the link from step 2 into the "URL" field and click "Clone."
- If you get a popup asking if you would like to create an Android Studio project, click "No."
- In Android Studio, click "Open an existing Android Studio project."
- Navigate to the directory where you cloned the project in step 4 (usually in ~/AndroidStudioProjects) and open the project folder.
- When Android Studio opens the project, click "Get dependencies" or "Pub get" and wait for it to load.
- Create an AlphaVantage account and copy the API key listed there.
- At the top of the 'stocked.dart' file in Android Studio (stocked > lib), paste your API key inside the quotation marks (line 8) and save the file.
- Follow these instructions (under the "Run the app" header) to run the app on a virtual device.