Invoke an Azure Data Factory pipeline through a Azure Automation Runbook Webhook to make it runnable on-demand from any application able to perform POST calls.
- PowerShell v7.x
- PowerShell Az Module
- PowerShell AzDataFactory Module
- Azure Subscription
- Azure Data Factory pipeline to run
Runs ADF pipeline using PowerShell AzDataFactory module checking periodically run status, printing information for the user.
Runs ADF pipeline using PowerShell AzDataFactory module checking periodically run status, printing information for the user in a Azure Automation Runbook getting credenatials to access ADF, SubscriptionID, Resource Group and ADF's name from Automation assets. Pipeline name is passed as a parameter.
Example written in PowerShell to call an Azure Automation Runbook through a Webhook in order to execute an ADF's pipeline passing its name in the body message.