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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 11, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Deprecation Notice

NorthstarMasterServer has been deprecated, and has been by replaced by Atlas.


The master server is responsible for centralizing game servers created by players, it also verifies that connecting players own an Origin account with Titanfall 2.


This project uses eslint to format code, make sure you run eslint --fix . before opening a Pull Request.

Using With Docker

  1. Build your image - docker build -t northstarmasterserver .
  2. Run it in a container using the following code -docker run -it -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd):/app northstarmasterserver <script>

A little explanation of the run command arguments -

  1. -it - Interactive mode, optionally you can use -d to run it in detached mode
  2. -p 8080:80 - While debugging using Docker port 80 is not allowed for obvious reasons hence we expose the container's port 80 to the host's port 8080
  3. -v $(pwd):/app - It maps a virtual directory from the host machine ($(pwd)) to the specified folder in the Docker image (/app), meaning that the docker image sees the contents of the hosts directory in runtime (on-the-fly) without having to rebuild the image
  4. northstarmasterserver - The image tag name as mentioned when building it
  5. <script> - This should be replaced by any one scripts such as start, watch etc from package.json

Alternatively the above commands can also be used as-is with podman.