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The Journal App

The Journal App is an Android application that allows users to create, save, and manage their personal journals with titles, descriptions, and images. The app provides a clean, user-friendly interface, organized by activities and fragments, and is built with the MVVM architecture for scalable code. Firebase is used for cloud storage, and Glide is implemented for efficient image loading.


  1. Journal List: Displays a list of journal entries with thumbnails, titles, and descriptions.
  2. Add Journal Entry: Users can create a new journal entry by providing a title, description, and attaching an image.
  3. View Journal Entry: Tap on any journal entry to view it in detail.


  1. Android Studio: Version 4.0 or higher
  2. Android SDK: API 26 or higher (Android 8.0)
  3. Kotlin: Version 1.4 or higher

Code Structure

  1. view package: Contain all the activities and Fragment files.
  2. adapter package: Contain Journal Adapter class for recycler view.
  3. application package: Contain Journal Application class for Session manager and Toast helper
  4. interfaces package: Contain interface class for communicate between Dashboard activity and Journal adapter class.
  5. util package: Contain sharedPreferences, Keys and Toast helper classes.
  6. model package: Contain data class for which data will store.

Tech stack

  1. UI: Kotlin and XML
  2. Backend: Firebase

How to Use

  1. Firstly you Sign up using your user's name, email and password.
  2. After sign up you Log in using email and password.
  3. Then you come into Dashboard activity where you see the add button at bottom right area of the screen, when you click this button than you go to add journal activity
  4. When you are in add journal activity screen you write the title, description and add the image and post it.
  5. After post the journal you navigate to the dashboard screen where you can see the posted journal
  6. Clicking the post your can see the post in detail.
  7. If you doing long press on the post you got dialog box for delete the post
  8. In app bar you can see the more option for sign out from the app.
  9. Let's suppose you forget the password so you can press the forget password text and you get an email in provide email for rest password


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SURE Trust - Skill Upgradation for Rural-youth Empowerment Trust

G4 AAD (Android App Development)

Course Report

Name: Rahul Joshi

Qualifications: MCA Final Year

Welcome to the course report for the G4-AAD! This README document provides an overview of the course, its mini projects and final project.

Mini Projects and Final Project

Below is a table summarizing the mini projects and final project completed during the course:

Description Link
Mini Projects: The Movie App
Final Project: The Journal App


No description, website, or topics provided.






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