A Dependency Injection System for Coordinating Plugins and Clients with UniRX optional Support.
Follow the Install Instructions for https://github.com/sandolkakos/unity-package-manager-utilities
For Git Versioning and Updates, Install: https://github.com/mob-sakai/UpmGitExtension#usage
Then Just copy the link below and add it to your project via Unity Package Manager: Installing from a Git URL
IProvider is an Interface that can be registered via calling
This will expose your Provider to all the Clients. Try to only register Managers or Macro Classes instead of many small instances.
IClient is an Interface that can be registered via calling
IClient will be informed of whenever a Provider is added, removed, or finalized. Use this to build up your own instances, subscribe to events, and call various functions.
- Add BaseManager Class (Basic Manager that Auto-Does Management of Adding and Removing as a Provider and Client)
MIT License
There is no legally binding modifications to the MIT License, but if you are using my stuff, I would appreciate doing one of the following: buy me a beer if you ever meet me at a bar or invite me to potential money-making operations via my Contact Information provided below.
Contact me at jackel1020@gmail.com. If you want your message to actually be read, add "[Github-Message]" to your subject line.