- Download plugin from the plugin repository to local directory as zip.
- Unzip locally downloaded file
- Create zip archive of reviewscouk directory or run
bash build.sh
- Go to the PrestaShop administration page [http://your-prestashop-url/admin].
- Go to Modules > Modules.
- Click add new module and select the archive you've just created
- Activate and configure the plugin
- Go to - https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/releases
- Download the specific development release version of PrestaShop (usually labelled as “Source code (zip)”)
- Unzip the download and move the folder to the directory you store your projects in
- Open your terminal and navigate to the project folder
- Create a new ddev project in folder using apache webserver
- Run
$ ddev config –-webserver-type=apache-fpm
Use composer to download the project’s dependencies:
ddev composer install
PrestaShop uses NPM
to manage dependencies and Webpack to compile them into static assets. You only need NodeJS 14.x
(version 16.x
is recommended).
nvm use 14
cd /path/to/prestashop
make assets
If you do not have some of the folders above, please create them before changing permissions. For example:
mkdir log var/logs admin-dev/autoupgrade
You can set up the appropriate permissions using this command:
chmod -R +w admin-dev/autoupgrade app/config var/logs cache config download img log mails modules override themes translations upload var
- Follow installation instructions
- You can use
$ ddev describe
to get information about the database access credentials for use inside the container
Prestashop uses image thumbnails generated from products that are used in the front office. By default, these thumbnails are not generated. There are a few steps to take to initiate the thumbnail generation.
Design -> Image Settings -> Image Type
- Set up - home_default, large_default, medium_default, small_default - types
International -> Localization -> Languages -> {Language} -> No Picture Image
- Set a default image
International -> Localization -> Configuration
- Ensure the correct language is selected
Design -> Image Settings -> Regenerate thumbnails
- Click regenerate
If there are no major errors and issues, disable debug mode to show the front office pages
- PrestaShop Dashboard -> Advanced Parameters -> Performance -> Debug mode Panel -> Set it to No