Releases: RobHolme/ADTools
Releases · RobHolme/ADTools
Added timeout parameter for Get-ADUserLastLogon & Get-ADUserLockoutstatus. Timeout between 1 and 20 seconds can be set (defaults to 3 seconds).
Worked around issue where PowerShell would render June 30 (1/7/yyyy) as Jan 7 (7/1/yyyy) when a ps1xml view was applied. Only seemed to impact this June 30, other dates retained correct locale formatting.
- v1.3.8 - Get-ADUserDetails: Changed values to 'Unknown' if a users does not have rights to query attributes
- v1.3.9 - Updated error message in Get-ADObjectGroupMembership to confirm the object type used for the search (if no match found)
Added warnings if user does not have sufficient rights to query the relevant AD attributes. This module assumes all domain users are members of the 'built-in\pre-Windows 2000 compatible access' group. By default 'Authenticated Uses' are a member of this group, but if this has been removed, the functions may not have sufficient rights to run as a non privileged user.
Changes since v1.3.4:
- samAccountName alias added to Identity parameters (previously name would be matched instead of identity when piping between cmdlets)
Updated Get-ADUserLastLogon to report site name associated with each domain controller
Added Get-AdUserLockoutStatus function to query the lockout status of an AD user account on all domain controllers.

Added account lockout status to Get-ADUserDetails
Added ANSI colour formatting to results for Get-ADUserDetails for disabled or expired logon attributes

Added support to match multiple groups in Get-AdGroupMemebers. Results now grouped by Group Name.