This repo contains the supabase files and the arkiver manager.
To develop localy, you must run a local instance of supabase:
Install Supabase CLI
Start supbase and take note of the anon key and service keys the cli prints to populate ./manager/.env
, and start the edge functions
supabase start
supabase functions serve
In another terminal, start the docker container
docker-compose up -d
And run the edge functions
To use the arkiver cli, you must add the following variables to the environment:
export SUPABASE_URL=http://localhost:54321
export SUPABASE_FUNCTIONS_URL=http://localhost:54321
You can not deploy the arkive locally
arkiver deploy ./sample
If changes are made on the production server, the local migrations need to be updated and pushed with:
supabase db remote commit
This will commit a migration to the migrations table in prod and populate a new migration file in supabase/migrations/
. This new file needs to be pushed to the repo.