Map server implementation based on the map_server package at that extends the functionality of the original.
Map server implementation that allows to offer multiple maps simultaneously. You can pass a .yaml file as an argument to load an initial set of maps. An example can be found in config/multimap_server_config.yaml
map_metadata (nav_msgs/MapMetaData)
Receive the map metadata via this latched topic. One for each map.
map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
Receive the map via this latched topic. One for each map.
environments (multimap_server_msgs/Environments)
Contains information about the currently loaded environments.
load_environments (multimap_server_msgs/LoadEnvironments)
Load a new environment using an environment .yaml file.
- environments_url: Path to environment .yaml file to be loaded
rosservice call /load_environments "environments_url: '/home/rb1/maps/robotnik_environments.yaml'"
load_map (multimap_server_msgs/LoadMap)
Load a new map using a map .yaml file. You also have to define a namespace, a desired map_name and a frame_id for the new map.
- map_url: Path to map .yaml file to be loaded
- ns: Namespace in which the map will be loaded. If it matches with an existing environment, the map will be loaded on that environment. Otherwise, a new environment will be created.
- map_name: Desired name for the published map
- global_frame: frame_id in which the map will be published. It will be ignored if the environment already exists.
rosservice call /load_map "map_url: '/home/rb1/maps/robotnik_routes_map.yaml' ns: 'robotnik_floor_0' map_name: 'routes' global_frame: 'level_0_map'"
dump_environments (std_srvs/Trigger)
Unloads all environments and maps.
dump_map (multimap_server_msgs/DumpMap)
Unloads a map from an environment.
- ns: Name of the environment in which the map is loaded. This is the same as the map namespace.
- map_name: Name of the map to be unloaded.
rosservice call /dump_map "ns: 'robotnik_floor_1' map_name: 'localization'"
rosrun multimap_server multimap_server (path_to_environments_yaml_file)
Map saver implementation that runs continuously and offers a service to save maps on demand.
save_map (multimap_server_msgs/SaveMap) Save a map by specifying the static_map/dynamic_map service associated to it.
- map_service: Service offered (nav_msgs/GetMap) or Topic published (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid) by the map publisher/creator to retrieve the map
- map_filename: Desired name for the saved map:
- If just a name is given, the map will be saved in the current working directory
- If an absoulte path is given, the map will be saved there as long as the path exists and it can be modified by the user.
- use_default_thresholds: If true, the default thresholds (free = 0, occ = 100) will be used. Otherwise, the values will be taken from the fields threshold_occupied and threshold_free.
- threshold_occupied: Value between 1 and 100
- threshold_occupied: Value between 0 and 100
rosservice call /save_map "{map_service: '/floor_0/localization/static_map', map_filename: 'localization_map_0', use_default_thresholds: true, threshold_occupied: 0.0, threshold_free: 0.0}"
rosservice call /save_map "{map_service: '/gmapping/dynamic_map', map_filename: '/home/robot/maps/robotnik_warehouse_map', use_default_thresholds: true, threshold_occupied: 0.0, threshold_free: 0.0}"
rosservice call /save_map "{map_service: '/gmapping/map', map_filename: '/home/robot/maps/robotnik_warehouse_map', use_default_thresholds: true, threshold_occupied: 0.0, threshold_free: 0.0}"
rosrun multimap_server online_map_saver