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S.-H. Dan Shim edited this page Aug 19, 2017 · 12 revisions

What is a base pattern?

A base pattern is an 1D diffraction pattern in the chi format. A base pattern is normally obtained from a software, such as DIOPTAS. PeakPo requires users to have a base pattern.

Open a base pattern

You may set a base pattern by opening a chi file using the Open push button near the base pattern name box in the base pattern box of the Main tab. As discussed earlier, it is the best if you have the chi, tif, and poni files all in one folder.

When you open a base pattern in this way, PeakPo sets the folder of the base pattern file as the working folder.

Navigate a large dataset

Once you load a base pattern, you can navigate a large dataset by using the buttons in the File Navigation box of the Main tab. The spin box in the middle of the File Navigation box provides the step size for the forward and backward buttons (< and >). PeakPo also provides push buttons to go to the first and last files of the dataset (|< and >|). By using the radio buttons in the Sort box below the File Navigation box, you may control the behavior during the file navigation.

Make PeakPo faster

PeakPo can be quite slow because of the several factors. Matplotlib is not the fastest plotting package and it is quite the opposite. Background subtraction takes some time. Making cake image is slow. In order for fast navigation through a large dataset using PeakPo, it saves background and background subtracted 1D patterns and cake images in the temporary-pkpo folder. The folder is a subfolder of the folder where you have chi and tif files.

What this means is that when you open a chi file for the first time, PeakPo may feel slower, because it has to process for background subtraction and cake images, because they are not available in the temporary folder. Once you view a chi file, PeakPo can find the processed data in the temporary folder and therefore become faster.

This behavior can be controlled. What if you need to force PeakPo to regenerate the temporary files? PeakPo provides options for these cases. You may find some checkboxes in the Temporary Files box of the Process tab. If you uncheck the boxes, you will force PeakPo to reprocess those.

Pressure and temperature

PeakPo provides inputs for pressure and temperature in this tab. The steps can be changed using the radio button. I provide two shortcut push buttons to reference conditions.

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