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Installation and Update

S.-H. Dan Shim edited this page Mar 12, 2025 · 1 revision

How to update

If you have installed PeakPo before, you may conduct Step 2 below only. Make sure you update paths in peakpo.bat or peakpo.command for the new version if you use those to run PeakPo.

Installing PeakPo in Anaconda/Miniconda

Step 1: Install Anaconda or Miniconda

If you have previously installed PeakPo, you may already have Anaconda or Miniconda set up. In that case, you can skip Steps 1 and 2 and proceed directly to Step 3 for an update. If you need to create a new environment, start from Step 2.

Download and install Anaconda or Miniconda for your operating system from the official website:

For macOS users:

  • The PyQt version used in this release is supported only on Intel-based Macs.
  • If you are using an Apple Silicon Mac (M1/M2/M3), you need to run Terminal in Rosetta mode and install the Intel version of Anaconda/Miniconda.
    See instructions in this website:
    🔗 Rosetta Installation Guide

Step 2: Download PeakPo

  1. Open Terminal (macOS/Linux) or PowerShell (Windows), and navigate to a directory where you want to install PeakPo. For example:

    cd ~
    mkdir Python
    cd Python
  2. Create a folder for PeakPo installation:

    mkdir PeakPo-7.8.0
    cd PeakPo-7.8.0
  3. Clone the PeakPo repository:

    git clone .

Step 3: Create a Conda Environment

Conda in the Anaconda distribution provides virtual environment functionality. Learn more here. We will create a virtual environment for PeakPo.

  1. Open Terminal (macOS/Linux) or Anaconda PowerShell (Windows).

  2. Navigate to the PeakPo environments folder:

    cd ~/Python/PeakPo-7.8.0/peakpo/environments
  3. Create a conda environment for PeakPo (replace pkpo2022fbs with your preferred name):

    For macOS:

    conda env create --name pkpo2022fbs --file pkpo2022fbs-mac.yml

    For Windows:

    conda env create --name pkpo2022fbs --file pkpo2022fbs-win.yml
  4. Activate the environment:

    conda activate pkpo2022fbs

You are now ready to run PeakPo.

Step 4: Run PeakPo

  1. Navigate to the peakpo folder:

    cd ~/Python/PeakPo-7.8.0/peakpo
  2. Activate the environment and launch PeakPo:

    conda activate pkpo2022fbs
    python -m peakpo

Running PeakPo with a Desktop Shortcut

If you prefer launching PeakPo by double-clicking an icon:

  1. Locate the shortcuts folder inside PeakPo.
  2. Edit peakpo.bat (Windows) or peakpo.command (macOS) to match your environment setup.
  3. Save the file and move it to an easily accessible location, such as your Desktop or Applications folder.


Executables are no longer provided due to technical issues. However, older versions are still available.

Download for your OS from the link below:
🔗 Older Versions

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