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S.-H. Dan Shim edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 18 revisions

Update PeakPo

  1. Open Terminal (MacOS or Linux) or Anaconda Prompt (Windows).

  2. Go to a folder where you will install the PeakPo files.

    cd [path_for_peakpo_folder]

    For example, [path_for_peakpo_folder] can be: home/Desktop/

  3. Make a folder to install PeakPo:

    mkdir [peakpo-version_number]
    cd [peakpo-version_number]

    For example, [peakpo-version_number] can be peakpo-7.7.26

  4. In the terminal window, copy, paste, and hit the return key for the line below.

    git clone .

    (Note) Don't forget the period at the end of the line above.

Clone this wiki locally