- Sagar-Kap/frontend-photography - A front end website for a photography shop. (5 days ago)
- Sagar-Kap/sagarkapoor - Personal Blog on NuxtJS (1 week ago)
- Weburz/burzcontent - A purposefully built CMS for blogging at any scale! (1 week ago)
- Weburz/crisp - A linter for Git commit messages (1 week ago)
- Jarmos-san/jarmos.dev - π¨ The source code of my personal website where I share my knowledge & experience as a Software Engineer (3 months ago)
- Running Ubuntu Headless on Pi4 from USB (3 years ago)
- Getting Started With Git (3 years ago)
- How to Scrape a site with Python (3 years ago)
- Hello there! (a long while ago)
If you used one of my projects and/or read one my articles & found it useful, I would love to hear some feedback from you. Let me know if you want a feature or two implemented. Are there some specific topics you would like me to write about? Shoot me a DM & I'll figure something out.
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/SagarKapr
- Blog: https://www.sagarkapoor.eu/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sagarkapr/