I'm passionate about coding and constantly learning new technologies to enhance my development skills.
Check Out My Web >> https://boss-website-bay.vercel.app/
Introduction of My Product: https://youtube.com/shorts/clgYv5FfHHw
- https://ai-summarizer-boss-demo.netlify.app/ >> AI Summarizer
- https://puresmile-clinic-bsynth-demo.vercel.app/ >> FrontEnd Landing Page
- https://ai-chatbot-v2-by-boss-five.vercel.app/ >> AI Chatbot - Limited API
- https://boss-playground-v1.vercel.app/ // Not Mobile Responsive >> Fullstack Project
- My Github: https://github.com/Sahasawat-Boss
- Phone: 086-868-4466
- Gmail: sahasawat.rk@gmail.com
- Languages: JavaScript and TypeScript
- FrontEnd Frameworks & Libraries: Next.js,React,Tailwind CSS, HTML, Vanilla CSS
- BackEnd Frameworks & Libraries: Node, Express
- Tools & Platforms: Prisma, Github, Docker
- Database and Service: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cloundinary,Tidb-Clound, DBeaver
- Deployment Platform: Vercel, Railway, Netlify
- Requirement Gathering & Analysis
- System, workflow, Mockup Design & Documentation
- Stakeholder Communication
- Collaboration with Implementation Team
- Testing & Quality Assurance
- Training & User Support
Looking forward to collaborating together!