Smart-Odisha-Hackathon Public
Forked from MusicViking/SOHLack of alumni tracking and poor alumni interaction among students who have graduated from educational institutions across Odisha.
HTML UpdatedMar 1, 2024 -
NeuroNexus-Innovations Public
Welcome to a diverse collection of hands-on ML, AI, Python, and Data Science projects. Explore and learn through practical applications. Happy coding! 🚀
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 1, 2024 -
Green Fields, Smart Yields: Precision Agriculture Empowered by LoRa Wireless Sensor Networks!
Designing an online mobile number directory for a state/province using C (Programming Language), that acts as a database and enables the user to implement various tasks by collecting details of the…
C UpdatedJan 1, 2024 -
Communication-Systems-Lab Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Communication Systems Lab (19CCE382).
Smartphone-Controlled Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Using Arduino Embedded Platform!
Student-Report-Card Public
A mini-C++ project has a student class with data members such as roll number, name, marks and grade. Member functions are used to accept/display details of students and calculate grades based on ma…
C++ UpdatedJan 1, 2024 -
Password-Based-Lock-System Public
This project is an implementation of a password-based lock system using ARM7 (LPC2148), which integrates features like a numeric keypad, LCD, and control of a DC motor based on the correct password…
Virtual-Radio-Broadcasting Public
This project implements the functionalities of a virtual radio broadcasting station. It includes features such as sound file manipulation, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, spectral analy…
Develop a heart disease prediction system that can assist medical professionals in predicting heart disease status based on the clinical data of patients.
This work deals with an automated car parking system which makes utilization of Raspberry Pi with Adafruit innovation. Which comprises a model that grants vehicle drivers to effectively find unfill…
[Coursera Project Network] Conduct a Clean & Analysis of Tweets using Python!
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 1, 2024 -
Image-Processing Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Image Processing (19CCE447).
Python UpdatedJul 23, 2023 -
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Electromagnetic Simulation Lab (19CCE383).
2 UpdatedJul 23, 2023 -
Cyber-Physical-Systems Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Cyber-Physical Systems: Design, Modeling and Simulation (19CCE312).
Demonstration of the mini-lab (practical) component activities conducted for the course of Neural Networks and Deep Learning (19CSE456).
Network-Design-Smart-Airport Public
Developing a Network Design for a Smart Airport using Cisco Packet Tracer!
Software-Defined-Radio-Lab Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course Software Define Radio Lab (19CCE284).
Computer-Networks Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course Computer Networks (19CCE304).
IoT-and-Computing-Lab Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of IoT and Computing Lab (19CCE381).
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Problem Solving and Algorithmic Thinking (19CSE100).
UpdatedOct 16, 2022 -
Embedded-Computing-Lab Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Embedded Computing Lab (19CCE283).
Electronics-Systems-Lab Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course Electronics Systems Lab (19ECE181).
C++ UpdatedSep 10, 2022 -
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (19CCE213).
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Computational Electromagnetics (19CCE203).
MATLAB UpdatedFeb 15, 2022 -
Signal-Processing-Lab Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Signal Processing Lab (19CCE281).
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Microcontrollers and Interfacing Techniques (19CCE201).
HTML UpdatedFeb 14, 2022 -
Computer-Programming Public
Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Computer Programming (19CCE102).
C UpdatedFeb 14, 2022