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A "Living" script for Useful Linux commands, scripting, and configuring in an Enterprise environment

  1. Usage:
  • sh option | option-info - optional- quiet for non-interactive
  • EXAMPLE- pep8 or pep8 quiet
  1. Options-
Option | Short Desc. | Description
[    ]    None	          Shows this menu and exits. same as help
[help]	  Help             Shows the entire menu and exits
[sobj]	  Objective        Show the Objective for this script and all coding,commands, and structure.
[vers]	  Version          Shows this revision's Verion and exits.
Options Below have an 'INFO' option-
    [-info]	  Information      Add to the end of option the '-info' to get more details
    EXAMPLE- meta-info
[meta]	  Meta Chars       Shows ways to remove files with names that are meta-characters including by-inode number.
[lvmn]	  LVM Notes        Shows LVM management for adding a disk.
[tool]	  Useful Tools     Tools- Security, Monitoring, and troubleshooting
[umnt]	  Monitor Tips     Tips for Monitoring and troubleshooting
[vims]	  VIM Tips         Helpful vim shortcuts and tips.
[pend]	  Prepend          Prepend the beginning of every line in a file, Or, Append to the end of every line in a file.
[seds]	  Sed Stuff        Helpful Replacement shortcuts and tips- sed, tr, etc.
[emty]    Empty Lines      Remove Empty Lines in a file, including white-space, tabs, and commented lines.
[sftp]	  SFTP Chroot      Create a secure SFTP environment using a chroot-jail file system structure.
[expr]	  Expressions      Full list and explanation of Conditional and Regular Expressions.
[pep8]	  PEP8 Tools       PEP8 Living Doc- Code compliane structure and tips.
[irsi]	  IRSSI Tips       IRSSI Living Doc- Helpful Info and tips.
[link]    My Links         Links to various helpful tools, tips, tutorials, etc.
[read]    User Input       Request user input in bash script, supress the stdin/out
[date]    Custom Date      Using custom date command in scripts and/or cliwhite-space, tabs, and commented lines.
[type]    type command     Using the type command to find other command in scripting.
[colr]    Add Colors       Add colors and effects to the output of your scripts and commands.
[cows]    Login Profile    Silly little hack so you will have a fortune each time you log in. -See Also cows-info
[gtal]    Git Aliases      Add Aliases to short-cuts to git commands in ~/.gitconfig
[gtbr]	  Git Branches     Working with Branches in GIT
[gitl]	  GitLab Setup     Setup your own GitLab Server from Beginning to end.
[rpmb]    RPM Build        How to Build your own rpms, a script or source code.
  1. HowTos
    1. HowTos/ApacheJoomlaWeb
      1. Apache Web Server using the Joomla CSM in a VM - Setup from beginning to end


Useful tips







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