Releases: SeptemberHX/joplin-plugin-bundle
Releases · SeptemberHX/joplin-plugin-bundle
- Add: auto completion for tags and project of task items. #20
- Add: quick ref and cite: #19
to quickly insert a markdown link to Joplin note@cite
to quickly insert a markdown link to your papers
- Allow to create paper note in current folder or not #17
- Change:
- Improve paper notes requesting logic to avoid frequent requests to Zotero server
- Fix paper notes updating problem when switching to different paper options in Paper sidebar #24
- All:
- add:
- Dark theme support
- Toggle button & shortcut support to show/hide sidebar
- add:
- Todo:
- add:
- allow to show descriptions for tasks (all the text below tasks with more more indent is treated as tasks' description) #18
- add:
- Papers:
- add:
- new copy markdown link button for annotations
- show paper details for all the papers mentioned in current note
- improve:
- small font in popup dialogs
- fix:
- missing info with book, chapter, preprint, and more #11
- crash when citing some papers with missing information
- cannot sync all items when your items are more than 50 in Zotero
- add:
- Related Notes
- Papers: Add zotero support. If you install zotero client in your system, then you can go to the pdf/annotation directly by clicking the link in paper tab.
- Daily Note: Allow use 'Monday' as the first day of each week (disabled by default)
- Bundle: Allow setting default sidebar tab for given folders so that one of the sidebar tab can show automatically when you open notes in them. For example, you set 'Outline' as the default one for the folder 'Test'. Then, the outline tab shows whenever you switch to the notes under 'Test' and its sub-dirs.
- New: Joplin-plugin-readcube-papers is added. Disabled by default.
- Show paper details connected to current note
- Show your paper annotations in list for copying & citing
- Show your paper's references in list
- Fix:
- Outline: header does not change to current position when scrolling
- History: trail bugs @alondmnt
- Change:
- Daily Note:
- setting for using note title as tasks default date or not
- allow new created daily notes in todo note type (disabled by default)
- Inline Todo:
filter to filter out tasks without project- New search tab:
- Use
to search with project, tag, and date - Use
, and//
to find tasks without project, tag, and date - Case-insensitive search
- Use
- Status Info Bar: allow use char count instead of word count (disabled by default)
- Daily Note:
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival from China!
- add:
- settings for each sub-plugin so you can enable/disable each one as you like
- a status info bar at the bottom of the sidebar. It shows: current line/total line, total word count(selected word count)
- improve:
- Outline
- Current position is highlighted in the toc, and it changes when scrolling
- Linewrap setting option works again
- Inline Todo
- performance improvement
- show left days in number of day instead of percent
- Now the task will show on the first line after opening target note when you click the task in the sidebar
- Daily Note
- You can name the root daily note directory by folder ID now: Any folder can be set as the root dir as you like
- Heatmap of the number of finished tasks in each daily note 【For performance issue, it ONLY calculate the tasks in the daily notes】. You can enable/disable it and set its color in the settings
- Now the point below the date stands for the word count of the daily note. red point = 500 words, and green point = 100 words. You can set the step in the settings.
- History
- Settings work again now, and style is updated. Thanks to @alondmnt !
- Outline
- fix:
- Freeze when keeping editing for a long time
fix: some todo items are not shown on the sidebar
improve: todo item in the editor will be updated immediately if you mark it as done on the side bar
- basic dark theme support for all sub-plugins
- All Date/With Date/Without Date filter in the Filter todo category
- allow
to present task duration - show how many days are passed in percent for tasks with duration
- the background colors for task tags & project are dynamically generated according to the tag/project name
change: UI change
- add: History panel from
- improve:
- Inline todo:
- allow task priority with
- add filters
- show priority and project on each task item
- allow task priority with
- Daily Note:
- allow set root dir name for all daily notes
- note template in settings. (use
for newline)
- Inline todo:
Init release:
- Outline
- Inline Todo
- Daily Note