To-Do List
- 220229036 Serhat Can Bakir
- 220229053 Sena Nur Dulger
With this simple To-Do List application, you can easily manage your daily tasks. The application provides basic functions such as adding, deleting, completing, and filtering tasks.
Adding a Task:
- Type the task you want to add into the "Add a new task" text box and press Enter, or click the "Add Task" button.
Deleting a Task:
- You can delete a task by clicking on it and then clicking the "Delete" button.
- If you want to delete all tasks, simply click the 'Delete' button.
Editing a Task:
- You can edit your task by right-clicking.
Completing a Task:
- You can mark a task as completed by clicking on it and then clicking the "Done" button.
- You can filter tasks by selecting one of the "All", "Incompleted", or "Completed" options.
- Click the "Use Filter" button to apply the selected filter.
- HTML and CSS: HTML and CSS are used for page layout and styling.
- JavaScript: JavaScript is used for adding, deleting, editing, completing, and filtering tasks.
- Fonts: "Cairo Play" font is used for the title. This font is loaded from Google Fonts.
- Background Image: The image used in the background of the page is named "bg.jpeg" and utilized accordingly.
- Favicon: "favicon.ico" is used as the tab icon for the page.
If you would like to contribute to this project, you can do so by sending a pull request to the GitHub repository or by opening an issue report. This guide provides basic information on how to use the To-Do List application and guides contributors on how to contribute to the development process. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know.
- GitHub Project Link:
- URL: