I am a Full-Stack Developer✨. Currently, I am a graduate from SRM IST with bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering 🧑💻. I have skills in Web Development and have been building websites for the past 2 years using Express.js, EJS ,MongoDB and React and lately I am learning Nextjs and postgres. These days, my main focus is to learn more about Nextjs and postgres 🐷. I am always ready for new experiences 🐥, to meet new people 🐸, and to learn new things 🤩.
const Shivansh= {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["HTML, "CSS", "SCSS", "BootStrap", "Tailwind", "JavaScript","Typescript","React",
askMeAbout: ["Web Development", "Tech", "Problem Solving"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React"]
backEnd: {
js: ["Node.js", "Express.js"]
databases: ["MongoDB", "MySQL"],
misc: ["Git", "GitHub"]
architecture: ["MVC", "Single Page Applications"],
devProfile: "(https://github.com/ShivanshKumar760/)"