Glad to announce, there's now a Wiki with clear information instead of a cluttered readme (:
🔧 updates from x.2>+x :
- Yes, as recommended updated to latest dev branch again; good bye old repo, we sure had fun.
- Check your bench!
packetcrypt bench ann
and please report back to me on the Discord. Comparisons vs pre-compiled official and self-compiled official are wholeheartedly welcome, thanks in advance 🌻🚀 - ARM Devices [aarch64 package for Android devices] is even further improved. Will try to spend more time on that mobile-mining package.
- 5950x first time over 4200ke/s with v0.26 [when mining, not just benching]
- Server CPU's reported to like SNComp [holycrypt], finally ! Thanks for the reports.
[Dubbed 'holycrypt'] v0.25:
- Aarch64 package for arm upwards to 80% improved Ke/s (see pkt discord for details) 🚀
- Hard changes. Proper change log and data (SNComp versions compared and original and different compiling options with official and more)
- More customizations
- First time sncomp pre-compiled outperformed self-compiled official on my 5950x ! 🚀
- Small changes in reporting values (shorted A/R/O, g-rates) ~ benching shows you're using SNComp now [use
packetcrypt bench ann
] - Small changes in compiling process
- heavy optimizations ! Do run "packetcrypt bench ann" , and with the original package. Please share results on the discord. Hope you'll all love this version 🚀🥳
- Took the time to start from scratch. Current build seems more stable across multiple platforms. In some extreme cases self-compiling would be 1:1 with 0.20 now.
- Compiling method changed.
- Cleaned some previous edits which were only beneficial for some systems, while impacting others
- Small improvements noticed on phones as well ! 🚀
[OLD] updates from before v0.2x:
- In v0.161 I've tried to optimize the aarch64 package
- In v0.161 I've added a bash script which people can run to try and auto-compile the miner on their machines 🚀
[does not include my tinkering / edits to the source] - In v0.16 trying to tinker more, use different methods that seem to get better results.
+ i686 package added[removed] - In v0.154 opttttttttiiiiiiimizeeeeeeeeeeeee....
- In v0.153 trying new optimizations for all packages, can be noticeable in the miners 'peaks' & 'lows'
- In v0.152 rolled back another harmful change for arm devices / possibly linux
- In v0.152 added armu package. See README for when to use aarch64 or armu package on phones, userland...
- In v0.151 rolled back a change which had negative impact on linux package
- In v0.15 trying to push the windows/linux package again...
- In v0.14 trying something new please report results per discord, thanks
- In v0.13 I've tried to further improve performance. From now on, I recommend using / moving to 2048 difficulty pools, with capable hardware.
- Added option tmux systemd service / script.
- New optimizations for improved performance.
Look for the version which fits your system. No other packages available at the moment.