Welcome to TheQRCode.site! This project aims to provide a user-friendly website for generating both static and dynamic QR codes. Visit our website at https://theqrcode.site/ to experience the magic of QR code creation.
- Generate QR codes for UPI, Free text, PDF, URL, and WiFi
- Responsive layouts for various devices
- Interactive components and user-friendly interfaces
- Exclusive Options For Business
- User-Friendly API
- Comparatively Low Cost For Small Business.
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
Download the XAMPP server for Windows with this Link
Install The XAMPP server on your Machine, Follow this Documentation.
Clone the repository inside the " \xampp\htdocs\ ":
git clone https://github.com/Sombitpramanik/QRCODE.git
Download the XAMPP server for Linux with this Link
Install The XAMPP server on your Machine, Follow this Documentation.
Clone the repository inside the " /opt/lampp/htdocs ":
git clone https://github.com/Sombitpramanik/QRCODE.git
Preview Your changes in Your own Machine:
- Open your XAMPP Control Panel and start the Apache2 and MySQL Server
- Go to https://localhost/QRCODE/
Add this repository as a remote:
git remote add origin https://github.com/Sombitpramanik/QRCODE.git
Create and switch to your DEV branch:
git checkout -b DEV/{your_name}/{feature_or_section_name}
Make necessary changes, and when ready to commit and push:
Push your changes to this branch:
git push --set-upstream origin DEV/{your_name}/{feature_or_section_name}
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