The Rummy Score Calculator is a simple Java-based console application that helps track and manage player scores in a Rummy game. Players are eliminated when their score reaches or exceeds 251 points. The program continues until only one player remains, declaring the game over.
- Allows users to input player names at the start of the game.
- Updates scores for each player after every round.
- Eliminates players who reach or exceed 251 points.
- Displays the updated scores after every round.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later installed on your system.
- Download or clone the repository containing the
files. - Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where the files are located.
- Compile the Java files using:
- Run the program with:
java Main
- When prompted, enter player names one by one.
- Press Enter on an empty input to start the game.
- After each round, enter the score for each player when prompted.
- If a player reaches 251 points or more, they are eliminated.
- The game continues until only one player remains, at which point the game ends.
Rummy Score Calculator
Player Name: Alice
Player Name: Bob
Player Name: Charlie
Player Name:
Alice gets 30
Bob gets 45
Charlie gets 60
Alice has a score of 30
Bob has a score of 45
Charlie has a score of 60
Charlie is eliminated with a score of 255
Game Over.