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l ]]]lllllllllllllIII:> ]]]]]]]]]]]] l | - I love making all software | | '----.
l:iii>>>>>>>>>>>>>]]] ~ ]]]]]]]]]]]] l | | (________'
l`++++++++++++++++---.~ ]]]]]]]]]]]] l '-------------------------------------' ==========
lIlllllllllllllllllll:iI"""""",;:;''l;". @def=Cool_Projects; // #ChubML
l;lllllllllllllllllll:l '^,,Iii??]-i;". #'https://chubml.replit.app/' @mkprp=__lastQD.ChubML;
`I,I:::::::::I,,,,,,,:` ,;ii??]]]]]]]-i", #'https://asridev.replit.app/' @mkprp=__lastQD.Asri;
,:iiiiiiiii:, :IIii!!!!!!!?]]]I:" #['JS','TS','OAK','F95','PHP','JAVA'] @def=Langs;
l ]]]]]]]]] l ^`````````l.]]]] i @def=SpcFORK #SpcFORK @def=ICow;
l ]]]]]]]]] l .`l.]]]]?.I @def=Developer;
l.?]]]]]]]] l ,""""""""";!!?]]]]] l #Langs @mkprp=Developer.Languages;
`i ]]]]]]]] l I.?????????-]]]]]]]I"; #Cool_Projects @mkprp=Developer.Projects;
;:I]]]]]]]l;""""""",! ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]?!^; #Langs.slice(0,2) @def=Metaprogrammer;
I,i-]]]]]]-???????.~ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]?!,,^ #Developer @mkprp=ICow.developer;
^IIi?-]]]]]]]]]]] ~ ]]]]]]]]]]??!,,^ #Metaprogrammer @mkprp=ICow.metaprogrammer;
^I"I!!!!!!!!!!!">:!!!!!!!!!!,",^ #true @mkprp=ICow.enjoyer_of_nonstandard;
^```````````^ ^``````````^
// Deletes
LANGS; @eval=delete|Developer;
js; @eval=delete|Languages;
ts; @eval=delete|Metaprogrammer;
mjs; @eval=delete|Langs;
njs; @eval=delete|ICow;
oak; // @page
Cs; html;
basics; pre @:Self:| @ret=JSON.stringify(SpcFORK,null,2);
ChubML; @eval=delete|SpcFORK;
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm the creator of ChubML, a JS library that simplifies HTML syntax and makes it more compact. I'm passionate about coding and creating innovative projects.
Asri is an advanced application starter for anyone who has used or is wanting to learn and use ChubML, Susha, and a few more of my libraries bundled in.
Asri allows for you to create an object like ECMAjsDOM, allowing for simple OOP with prebuilt Client-Middleware.
ChubML is a JavaScript library designed to make HTML more compact and easier to work with. The main features of ChubML include:
- Compact HTML syntax: ChubML reduces the amount of code you need to write by simplifying the syntax.
- No more closing tags: With ChubML, you don't need to worry about closing tags, making your code cleaner and more readable.
- No more "<>"'s: ChubML eliminates the need for angle brackets, further simplifying the syntax and making it more user-friendly.
- π I'm interested in Coding Shenanigans and exploring new technologies.
- π± I'm currently learning Oak, an exciting Toy programming language.
- Check out ReplitDB in OAK!!
- ποΈ I'm looking to collaborate on all kinds of projects, so feel free to reach out!
- π« How to reach me: You can contact me through Email, Discord, Twitter, or Replit.
- Email: SpcFORK@outlook.com
- Discord: spectcow
- Twitter: @spectcow
- Replit: SpcFORK