Releases: Stachelbeere1248/zombies-utils
Releases · Stachelbeere1248/zombies-utils
Bug fixes, sla rotation/mirror support
- Fixed "Array-index out of bounds" exception when the timer attempts to split round 0
- SLA command restructuring & support for mirroring / rotating the map, to make it compatible with ANY map replication that is not upside-down
- See here for mogi_a housing, will add more soon
- SLA default can now be permanently toggled in the mod config
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.3
SLA integration
Differences to SLA by thamid:
- /sla offset
Minor other changes:
- Notably, the default category is now called "general" instead of "default" to avoid confusion in the future. Read README#extra on how to migrate.
First Release
- Zombies Autosplits, but more accurate
- Tracking of personal bests / best segments individually per map/difficulty/custom category