Argocd Diff Finder is a small bash script that can tell you what your actual changes on your resources will be when you merge your changes to the ArgoCD repository.
- It's free, easy and open source.
- It's easy to install
- No more pain knowing what your changes will be when you merge your changes to the ArgoCD repository.
- It's a bash script :D (no need to install anything)
- None except telling you the differences between your changes and the state of your app in Kubernetes.
Argocd Diff Finder works with two configurations:
- All your app declarations and their helm charts, yaml files are in the same repository (ARGOCD_GIT_URL)
- It scans your app declarations and their helm charts and yaml files and finds the differences between your changes and the state of your app in Kubernetes.
- You have a repository for your app declarations and point to another repository for your helm charts and yaml files.
- In this case, Argocd diff finder needs to be run on the repository that host your helm charts and yaml files.
- It will clone the argocd repository and then run the diff finder to find the path of all your apps.
- It will extract information in your app configurations in order to find the name of your argo apps that have been impacted by the changes in your branch
- It uses the
argocd app diff
command to find the differences between your changes and the state of your app in Kubernetes.
- Optional: Install dyff
brew install homeport/tap/dyff
export KUBECTL_EXTERNAL_DIFF="dyff between -b "
- Go to your branch with the changes you want to merge.
- Make sure you pushed your changes
- Make a port forward to your argocd server if it is not publicly accessible
- Export the following variables
export ARGOCD_SERVER=<localhost:8080> # The ArgoCD server address
export ARGOCD_USERNAME=<username> # The ArgoCD username
export ARGOCD_PASSWORD=<password> # The ArgoCD password
export ARGOCD_GIT_URL=<git-url> # The ArgoCD git url with you applications configuration
- Optional: change some values
export MAIN_BRANCH=<main-branch> # The main branch of your application - default main
export ARGOCD_TMP_DIR=<tmp-dir> # The temporary directory to store the diffs - default /tmp/argocd-cd-tmp
- Run the script on your branch with the changes
bash #./
: Port forwarding to the ArgoCD serverARGOCD_SERVER
: must be set tolocalhost:8080
mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin
curl -sL > argo-diff
chmod +x argo-diff
## Add to your path
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
Please feel free to add any contribution. I might, if I have the time, translate it into go.
It comes as is, without any warranty.