Note: this package is under heavy development and currently in proof-of-concept phase.
Crispy layout object for selecting rows in a django-tables2 data table.
- Write documentation (d'oh)
Publish to PyPI -
Add checkbox in table header to select/de-select all rows at once. - Add tests
- Audit accessibility
- At least python 3.9 (pyenv managed recommended)
pyenv virtualenv 3.9 django-tableselect # or your alternative to create a venv
pyenv activate django-tableselect
pip install poetry
make install
# Optional, when you're not creating the virtualenv yourself poetry will do it for you.
# You can activate the poetry venv like so:
source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
and flake8-isort
are installed and configured
make lint
and isort
are configured
make format
Pytest with coverage is default enabled
make test
First run the migrations:
make migrate
Now create a superuser:
sandbox/ createsuperuser
Finally run the django dev server:
sandbox/ runserver
You can now go to the django admin site: http://localhost:8000/admin