To build a website cum platform based on the principles of using natural resources. The platform will pose a connection between customers who are willing to buy beautiful and unique seashell discovered from seas and oceans. It will provide the following services:
Shell Collector can sell the collected shells on the website.
Customer/Artist can buy shells from the website.
Online store for purchasing beautiful seashell, shankha, and items made from shells.
The platform will contain a database of Artisans/customers and shell collector.
If we live near the ocean and take daily walks on the beach then we could be walking past thousands of dollars in potential profits and not even realize it. Starting an online based business that designs and sells seashell products is not only an easy and inexpensive business to set in motion, it also could prove to be very fun and interesting. Collecting various sizes, shapes and colours of seashells right from the beach, and create beautiful seashell products. Once completed, the products can be sold to customers. A seashell manufacturing business is not only easy to start and run, but it could also generate extra income of $10,000 per year or more. The aforesaid platform is divided into the following modules:
- Admin
• Admin Authentication
• Access details of shell collector , artist and customer
• Add or delete record
• Access order details
- Shell Collector
• Collector Sign Up or Login
• Sell seashells
- Artist
• Artist Sign Up or Login
• Buy seashell
• Sell seashell made products
- Customer
• Customer Sign Up or Login
• Buy seashell made products
Software Used:
-Front End
HTML, CSS and JavaScript
-Back End