OutFox Serenity Winter Update
The Winter Update to OutFox Serenity Volume I features three new songs by DJ Megas, Matduke and Pekoneko (ペコネコ). It also includes changes to some of the existing songs from Volume 1, including additional charts, and keysounded Be-Mu/Po-Mu and GH charts for selected songs.
- NEW: Umi's Secret
- NEW: dance-threepanel (By -YOSEFU-)
- Beginner (1)
- Easy (5)
- Medium (8)
- Hard (12)
- Challenge (13)
- NEW: bm-single7 (By Kawafumi)
- Easy (4)
- Medium (8)
- Hard (11)
- NEW: bm-single5 (By Daniel Rotwind)
- Easy (2)
- Medium (4)
- Hard (7)
- NEW: dance-single (By Daniel Rotwind)
- Beginner (1)
- Easy (3)
- Medium (6)
- NEW: dance-threepanel (By -YOSEFU-)
- UPDATE: Synthborn Lovers
- NEW: dance-single (By Daniel Rotwind)
- Beginner (2)
- Easy (5)
- UPDATE: Converted all be-mu/po-mu charts into keysounded .bms/.pms
- NEW: dance-single (By Daniel Rotwind)
- UPDATE: Broken
- NEW: dance-double (By Chriszo)
- Beginner (4)
- Easy (6)
- Medium (9)
- Hard (11)
- NEW: smx-single (By Chriszo)
- Beginner (5)
- Easy (8)
- Medium (17)
- Hard (19)
- NEW: dance-double (By Chriszo)
- NEW: Low End Theory
- NEW: dance-single (By Maractus)
- Challenge (18)
- NEW: gh-solo (By shockdude)
- Easy (2)
- Medium (4)
- Hard (7)
- Challenge (8)
- NEW: pump-single (By Xiddy)
- Easy (6)
- Medium (13)
- Hard (20)
- NEW: pump-double (By Xiddy)
- Medium (14)
- Hard (21)
- NEW: pnm-nine (By Telperion)
- Hard (43)
- Challenge (47)
- NEW: dance-single (By 48productions)
- Medium (12)
- NEW: bm-single7 (By Daniel Rotwind)
- Beginner (2)
- Easy (6)
- NEW: dance-single (By Daniel Rotwind)
- Beginner (3)
- Easy (8)
- NEW: dance-single (By Maractus)
- UPDATE: Heartbeat
- NEW: smx-single (By K.TURN)
- Beginner (5)
- Easy (10)
- Medium (17)
- Hard (20)
- Challenge (23)
- NEW: smx-double6 (By K.TURN)
- Hard (18)
- NEW: smx-double10 (By K.TURN)
- Challenge (24)
- NEW: techno-single9 (By K.TURN)
- Challenge (17)
- NEW: techno-double9 (By K.TURN)
- Challenge (18)
- NEW: ez2-real (By K.TURN)
- Hard (9)
- NEW: maniax-single (By K.TURN)
- Hard (7)
- NEW: maniax-double (By K.TURN)
- Hard (8)
- NEW: smx-single (By K.TURN)
- NEW: Plasma
- NEW: gh-solo (By shockdude)
- Easy (1)
- Medium (3)
- Hard (5)
- Challenge (6)
- NEW: dance-single (By 48productions)
- Beginner (2)
- Hard (14)
- NEW: dance-single (By Daniel Rotwind)
- Easy (5)
- NEW: dance-single (By Chriszo)
- Easy (7)
- Medium (10)
- NEW: dance-double (By Marukomuru)
- Beginner (3)
- Easy (4)
- Medium (12)
- NEW: gh-solo (By shockdude)
- UPDATE: Abandoned Doll
- NEW: gh-solo (By shockdude)
- Easy (2)
- Medium (5)
- Hard (8)
- Challenge (9)
- NEW: dance-double (By Marukomuru)
- Easy (4)
- Medium (12)
- Hard (16)
- NEW: gh-solo (By shockdude)
- UPDATE: Let Me See You
- NEW: smx-single (By K.TURN)
- Beginner (3)
- Easy (9)
- Medium (16)
- Hard (21)
- NEW: smx-single (By Maractus)
- Challenge (23)
- NEW: dance-single (By Daniel Rotwind)
- Medium (10)
- NEW: bm-single7 (By Daniel Rotwind)
- Beginner (2)
- Easy (4)
- NEW: smx-single (By K.TURN)
- "Source Code" downloads won't include music files for tracks that aren't licensed as CC-BY or CC-BY-SA. Use the other provided .zip files instead.
- If you are upgrading from a previous version, fully delete the old folder first. Do not merge the new folder into the old as this can lead to issues. Also, remember to rebuild your song cache by selecting
Reload Songs/Courses
on your in-game settings menu.