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TekMonks edited this page Oct 12, 2020 · 10 revisions

XForge - The Universal DevOps Tool

XForge is a build tool designed to be cross-platform and cross-language.

Unlike Gulp (JS Specific), Grunt (JS Specific), Ant (Java Specific), Maven (Java Specific) etc. XForge is designed to be language neutral.

Some salient features

  • Build tasks which run in parallel, for the fastest build possible on multi-core processors.
  • Ability to control the parallelization of the build pipeline, what should be serialized, what should not.
  • Code versus Configuration - the opposite of make.
  • Langauge Neutral - Support for all languages from Javascript, to Java, to Go to C/C++.
  • Yes, first-class support for C/C++, and other compiled languages like Go and Rust.
  • Support for distributed and remote builds.
  • Support for continuous builds.
  • Supports extensions, for easy extensibility.
  • Support for integrated cloud deployments.

XForge Build Scripts are pure Node.js code, parallel and asynchronous.

This implies the build script itself can be run in a debugger as well, helping maintain complicated build scripts for large projects.

Basic installation instructions are on the Getting Started page.

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