Releases: ThBreuer/EmbSysLib
Releases · ThBreuer/EmbSysLib
- Bug fix
- STM32-Nucleo32-L432, config.h: Missing pin configuration
- STM32F4, *F7, USB: No Bulk IN transfer
- Example StdClock.cpp: format mismatch
- NetEthTCP.cpp: unused variable
- Rtos_Mcu.h: Missing getTics() and getTimeOfTic()
- USB_Uart: Wrong data type bufferSize
Bug fix
- Std::Clock timeout() replaces isRunning()
- USB: missing OUT transfer
- USB: avoid second ZLP
New feature:
- Clock features added to RTOS
- Bug fix
- NetEthTCP.cpp: Spurious FIN flag received
- STM32: Timer ARR overflow
Bug fix
- Documentation moved to Doc/HTML
- Typo and comments
- asm("NOP") added due to uVision optimization
- STM32F7xx: missing Port K
- STM32F7xx: I2Cmaster_Mcu, register STOP condition corrected
New feature:
New hardware support
- Ethernet_ENC28J60
- Touch controller FT5336
- Graphic-RAM display
- New Controller: STM32746
- New Example: STM32F746-Discovery
Minor changes:
- Documentation updated
- replaces Doc.exe
- STM32_Programmer replaces ST-Link_CLI
- List of examples (main.cpp) refined
- STM32F7xx: LTDC and FMC configuration refined
- SPImaster: new method transceiveByte() and configuration refined
- Bug fix:
- NetEthTCP: Check port first
- STM32L4xx: I2Cmaster_Mcu, register STOP condition corrected
- STM32L4xx: Return false, if PinConfig::set() failed
- STM32L1xx: DAC enable buffer
Bug fix:
- Typo
- Missing TCP acknowledge and wrong data size
New feature:
- New methods: Net::isNewIP() and NetSocket::get()
Minor changes:
- Select bitmap and font source in example
Bug fix:
Use const Font&, const Bitmap&
Typo: 'Mcu' in file names -
New feature:
STM32L7xx: UART7 added
Bug fix:
AnalogOut: Parameter channel and value changed -
New feature:
DigitalIndicator with brightness control
New feature:
- Touch with rotation
- TCP/UDP stack
New hardware support
- External interrupt
- Ethernet
Minor changes:
- Touch moved to new directory
- New version of example Demo/Blinky
- New example Demo/LED
Bug fix:
- Reference to ATmega documentation
- Architecture-depend 16/32 bit missmatch in printf formats
- Minor changes / documentation
- STM32L4xx/UART: Interrupt error
New feature:
- Inter system communication (ISC): Unified transceiving of data packages via UART or USB
- Device/Analog: More generic support of analog interfaces like ADC,DAC, PWM
- Std/Clock: Support of time measurement / timeout
- Std/SharedMem: Support of concurrent memory access
- Std/Fifo: New method: getFree() to get free memory size
- Std/Sequence: New index operator[]
- Std/Crc: CRC calculation
New hardware support
- Hardware/Encoder: HW based quadrature encode (STM32)
- Display SSD1306 with I2C interface
- STM32L4xx/SPImaster