My ever changing Neovim configuration
git clone ~/.config/nvim
Requires Neovim version 0.10.0
Some functionality is tailored towards the usage of a Linux operating system
¹At least version 2.2.2
to include codicons for nvim-dap-ui
²At least version 0.35.0
(to include the --no-separator
- translate-shell
- lazygit
- neovim-remote
- for using the commit editor of
(see here)
- for using the commit editor of
- for validating Jenkinsfiles see the template script in
- trash-cli (used with drex.nvim)
For local system specific configuration check lua/user/local.lua.sample
There is some preconfigured configuration which is expected by other parts of the configuration (for example the path to your project directory). But you can also add any custom Lua code in their which you consider system specific. The local.lua
file is on .gitignore
so the system specific settings will not be checked into version control
In order to install & update plugins lazy.nvim is being used, check the init.lua
file for more details
Install LSP servers simply via the :Mason
See the mason.nvim plugin for more information about available options
Depending on the LSP servers you might also need to fulfill additionally dependencies (e.g. java, node)
The following servers have been tested explicitly:
- also tested debugging via java-debug & vscode-java-test
- jsonls
- clojure-lsp
- lua-language-server
- gopls
- bash-language-server
- check shellcheck for linting
- marksman (markdown)
If treesitter does not initialize correctly check if you have a proper C compiler installed (more)
Especially for the light theme the cursor color might be hard to see and read
To control the highlighting of the cursor by Neovim you can add the following to your local.lua
vim.opt.guicursor:append{ "a:Cursor" }
Beware that this will only affect the cursor background color. The foreground (font) color is always defined by the terminal. For this reason the setting is not set by default
For kitty check out the
cursor_text_color background
option in~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf