Project Category: SAMB
Project Code: TR401
Project Repository:
Author: Tobia Rossi
Author e-mail:
Company Name: SAMB
Company Address: Viale Stefano Franscini 25, 6502 Bellinzona, TI, CH
Company e-mail:
In this project you can find the C++ code for a Teensy4.1 MCU for the project of the CanSat 2021 Competition showcase placed at the entrance of the school.
The code was written using Visual Studio Code - Insiders (SNAP stable: 4e303fcc) on Linux Manjaro and the PlatformIO extension (Core Version: 5.2.3 & Home Version: 3.4.0), this code should also be compilable using Teensyduino but I haven't tested if it does.