This is group 22's IT1901 project. We have made a cookbook app that helps people store and organize their recipes.
More info about the cookbook project can be found here.
- Java 17.0.8
- Maven 3.9.4
- JUnit 5.10.0
- JaCoCo 0.8.10
- Checkstyle 10.3.4
- Spotbugs
- Gson 2.9.1
- JavaFX 17.0.8
- Failsafe 3.0.0-M1
- Spring Boot 3.1.4
- Jpackage 1.4.0
- Release 1 -
- Release 2 -
- Release 3 -
A guide on how to run the application can be found in the cookbook-project readme file
This project uses JUNIT 5 for testing.
To run the tests follow the steps below:
# make sure you are in the cookbook-project directory
cd cookbook-project #(if not)
# run all tests (including integration test)
mvn clean install
# if you want to run tests in a specific module, navigate to a desired directory:
cd ui
# or
cd core
# or
cd persistence
# or
cd springboot
# run tests
mvn test
# to run integration test
cd integrationtest
# run test
mvn verify
Test coverage reports can be found in the target/site/jacoco
directory inside each module(except for the integration test module which has no classes). Our approach to testing has been to use JaCoCo to get overview of which methods are being covered by the tests. We aim to cover all methods and scenarios critical to the app's functionality. This will result in a high degree of test coverage, but not neccessarily 100%.
More information about the individual test are found inside the module readme files.
Aurora Johansen
Birk Strand Bjørnaa
Hanna Jacobsen
Tobias Borning