Facilitates data management through an intuitive user interface, allowing users to efficiently organize and create backups with a one-time setup. Simplify data handling with ease and ensure secure storage through seamless configuration.
- Screenshots
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Contribute
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- Project Status
- To do
- Contact
- License
- The gold is to provide an UI to setup files organization and backups.
- I decided to work on this project because i see people all the time with cluttered folders.
- Initially i had a script on python that has the same functionallity has this app, but normies can't use it, so i dicided to provide UI.
- Typescript - 4.5.4
- React.js - 18.2.0
- Electron.js - 21.3.1
List the ready features here:
- Sorting.
yarn start
will start the app for development if you'd like to contribute.
yarn package
will make some excutables to run tests
yarn make
will create a folder 'out' in which you'll find the corresponding executables for your OS.
Project is: in progress.
- FIX: title overflow.
- FIX: add hashing to windows path names, so no conflic occurs when filtering the route.
- FIX: handle case for when the file already exists.
- FIX: in general settings (and some other elements) there should be tooltips, to further explain what's up.
- FIX: make the list and the items of the origin and destination folders it's own component.
- ADD: tray tooltip.
- ADD: notifications sounds.
- ADD: check when adding regex if it's valid.
- ADD: think a way to handle recentlyMoved folder, like: how to remove them, how many should you store, etc.
- ADD: edit destination folders.
- ADD: frontend to activate/deactivate file organization when just launched (all files that already exists inside folders).
- ADD: recursion to the origin folders.
- ADD: shift + click to select multiple items in lists.
- ADD: theme selector (light and dark, later maybe more palettes).
- ADD: navigation.
- MAYBE ANIMATION: to the items in the list, so the name originally it's centered and the moves to the left as the path appears.
- IMPROVE: organize all ipcMain handlers better.
Created by @TomiVidal99 - feel free to contact me!
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.