A sample Android application demonstrating the use of Android Room database for task management.
- Add tasks with high, middle, or low priority
- Delete tasks by swiping left or right
- Simple and intuitive interface
- Code Readability: code is easily readable with no unnecessary blank lines, no unused variables or methods, and no commented-out code, all variables, methods, and resource IDs are descriptively named such that another developer reading the code can easily understand their function.
- Android
- Kotlin
- Monolithic Architecture
- AndroidX Room (room-ktx)
- View Model
- Download the project
- Open in Android Studio
- Run on an emulator or Android device
- Use the app as a regular task manager
- Explore the code to learn about Android Room implementation
Contributions are welcome! Create a pull request to the master branch.
No intentional license was used for this project.
Dmytro Turskyi
Note: Since this is a sample app, it's not intended for production use or publication on Google Play.