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Snakemake workflow: WGS Pipeline



This workflow is intended to be the R&D space for the PMGRC WGS analysis pipeline.

New global targets should be added in workflow/Snakefile. Content in workflow/Snakefile and the snakefiles in workflow/rules should be specifically rules; python infrastructure should be composed as subroutines under lib/ and constructed in such a manner as to be testable with pytest. Rules can call embedded scripts (in python or R/Rmd) from workflow/scripts; again, these should be constructed to be testable with pytest or testthat.


  • Lightning Auriga (@lightning-auriga)


If desired, see quickstart guide for abbreviated, minimal description of standard workflow run.


Step 1: Obtain a copy of this workflow

  1. Clone this repository to your local system, into the place where you want to perform the data analysis.
    git clone

Note that this requires local git ssh key configuration; see here for instructions as required.

Step 2: Configure workflow

Configure the workflow according to your needs via editing the files in the config/ folder. Adjust config.yaml to configure the workflow execution, and manifest.tsv to specify your sample setup.

The following settings are recognized in config/config.yaml. Note that each reference data option below exists under an arbitrary tag denoting desired reference genome build. This tag is completely arbitrary and will be used to recognize the requested build for the current pipeline run.

Configuration Setting Description
manifest string; relative path to run manifest
sample-logbook DEPRECATED. string; local Excel spreadsheet clone of sample manifest information from Google docs.
This is upstream input. a local cloned file is preferred due to the possibility of uncontrolled upstream changes
sample-linking two column tsv linker files with sample annotation data
sex: string; path to linker containing internal subject ID and self-reported sex data
external-ids: string; path to linker containing internal subject ID and external IDs
multiqc-read-config string; relative path to configuration settings for pre-alignment multiQC report
multiqc-alignment-config string; relative path to configuration settings for post-alignment multiQC report
genome-build string: requested genome reference build to use for this analysis run. this should match the tags used in the reference data blocks below. Values are configurable, but at a minimum accepts grch38
apptainer-image-dir string; relative path to apptainer images for rules. only used if behaviors::use-containers (see below) is true

The following settings are nested under the key behaviors and are user-configurable modifiers to how the pipeline will run.

Behavior Description
use-containers boolean; whether to, when possible, use either the docker or singularity image for each rule, or instead the rule-specific conda environment. See discussion below for how to choose this setting, and how it interacts with snakemake invocations.
aligner string; which alignment tool to use. permitted values: bwa, bwa-mem2
qc-type list of strings; for read and alignment qc: the pipeline can run QC either split by lane or combined across lanes. Either or both can be chosen. Split by lane QC is highly recommended and preferred. Deactivating combined lane QC can result in some substantial runtime improvements in some contexts. Permitted values: lane-specific or combined-lanes (or both)
bqsr boolean; whether to run BQSR (experimental; please just say yes to this)
snv-caller string; which calling tool to use for SNVs. permitted values: deepvariant
outcome string; which endpoint to run to. permitted values: fastqc (for read QC only); alignment; or calling; or release to prepare results for distribution
symlink-fastqs boolean; whether to copy (no) or symlink (yes) input fastqs into workspace. symlinking is faster and more memory-efficient, but less reproducible, as the upstream files may vanish leaving no way to regenerate your analysis from scratch. S3 remotes (prefixed with s3://) are supported for input fastqs, but in that case this option will be ignored
assume-single-lane boolean; for bam input, whether to override on-the-fly lane calculation and assume all reads were in the same lane. useful when input aligned reads are not annotated with lane as expected. ignored when using fastq input
trim-adapters-before-alignment boolean; whether to use adapter trimmed fastq output of fastp as input to aligner. permitted values: yes, no, or legacy. legacy behavior for this option is to not use trimmed output for alignment.
remove-duplicates boolean; whether or not to remove reads that are flagged as duplicates by gatk MarkDuplicates. the default behavior is to remove duplicates. this flag is added as part of testing the possible introduction of unpaired reads in bams that are fine downstream but create issues in back-conversion to ubams.
export-directory string; top-level path to where output files should be moved after release run is complete. delete this option to disable.
export-s3 parameters for controlling optional upload to s3
bucket-name: string; name of s3 bucket to which to sync data
profile-name: string; optional name of aws profile to use for data sync

The following settings control the definition of SV ensemble calling regimes. Each regime should be defined under behaviors::sv-endpoints, with a unique name (e.g. strict, lenient). At least one must be defined, but multiple can coexist and will be produced in parallel, with their unique name in their output vcf filenames.

Ensemble Setting Description
sv-callers list of strings; which calling tool(s) to use for this ensemble call. at least one should be specified. permitted values: manta, tiddit, svaba, delly, lumpy
sv-ensemble parameters controlling ensemble call resolution between the callers
min-count: integer; the minimum number of tools' outputs in which a variant (or something similar nearby) must appear to survive ensemble filtering
required-callers: list of strings; a list of which tools, if any, a variant absolutely must be called by to survive ensemble filtering
sv-remove-breakends boolean; whether or not to filter SVTYPE=BND variants from ensemble calling output

The following tool-specific parameters are nested under the key parameters.

Tool Recognized Parameters
bwa parameters specific to bwa
K: integer; chunk size parameter. bwa defaults this to 1e7*{threads}, but to maintain consistency independent of thread count, this is manually fixed. higher numbers improve runtime at the cost of (marginally) increased RAM usage
bwa-mem2 parameters specific to bwa-mem2
K: integer; chunk size parameter. see the corresponding bwa option for details
gatk-collectwgsmetrics parameters specific to gatk/Picard CollectWgsMetrics
read-length: for the CollectWgsMetrics fast algorithm, an estimate of read length in each library. note that for mysterious reasons, possibly due to paired end reads, this needs to be much higher than e.g. 150bp for a 150x2 library. the default, 300, is 2x150. it can be increased if CollectWgsMetrics complains of index out of bounds errors, but it's unclear what impact an excessively high read length estimate will have
deepvariant parameters specific to deepvariant
number-shards: integer; how many shards to break calling into. needs to be at most the number of available threads in the submission queue
docker-version: string; which docker tag to use when pulling the official DeepVariant docker image
manta parameters specific to Manta
config-ini: string; relative path to Manta local configuration data. see Manta documentation for more specific information about permitted values in this config file. the exposure of this file, which is passed to, is done in anticipation of toggling settings that can reduce Manta's substantial runtime, e.g. enableRemoteReadRetrievalForInsertionsInGermlineCallingModes
min-contig-size: integer; minimum size of contigs on which to make calls, in bases. a minimum size of 2000000 will remove the remaining non-standard contigs present in the no-alt version of GRCh38, for example. unfortunately, TIDDIT does not directly support calling regions

The following general genome reference files are nested under the key references, and are expected to be available to multiple tools in the pipeline.

Annotation Type Description
fasta string; human sequence fasta file.
exclusion-regions-bed string; set of bed regions to be excluded from output SNV data. expected to be from
exons-gtf-gz string; gene annotations for genome build. used to extract a bedfile of exon positions

The following reference files are split out by individual tool.

Tool Annotation Type Description
bsqr reference files for base quality score recalibration from GATK4
known-indels-vcf-gz string; VCF of "gold standard" indels for BQSR. intended to be pulled from Broad's cloud files
known-indels-vcf-gz-tbi string; tabix index for above known indels vcf
dbsnp138-vcf string; VCF of dbSNP variation for BQSR. intended to be pulled from Broad's cloud files
dbsnp138-vcf-idx string; .idx index file for above dbSNP vcf
verifybamid2 reference data files specific to VerifyBamID2
db-V string; filename for assorted Verify annotation files
db-UD string; filename for assorted Verify annotation files
db-mu string; filename for assorted Verify annotation files
db-bed string; filename for assorted Verify annotation files
deepvariant reference data files specific to deepvariant
calling-ranges string; text file containing list of files containing chromosomal intervals for embarrassingly parallel analysis. these are currently effectively placeholders that just contain the standard human chromosomes, but at some point, this will be extended to contain actual balanced calling intervals
lumpy reference data files specific to lumpy or smoove
exclude-bed string; set of hard-to-call bed intervals to exclude from analysis. these files are intended to be the ones listed in the tools' documentation, but can be customized if desired
delly reference data files specific to delly
exclude-bed string; set of hard-to-call bed intervals to exclude from analysis. these files are intended to be the ones listed in the tools' documentation, but can be customized if desired
svaba reference data files specific to svaba
exclude-bed string; set of hard-to-call bed intervals to exclude from analysis. though this option is exposed by SvABA, there is no recommended file to use here, so one might just use the lumpy files, for example
manta reference data files specific to manta
calling-range-bed-gz string; bgzip-compressed bedfile of valid calling ranges, e.g. autosomes. manta recommends not providing very many regions here, as it evidently causes problems with its task dispatch heuristics
calling-range-bed-gz-tbi string; tabix index of above compressed bedfile
somalier reference data files specific to somalier
sites-vcf-gz string; predefined set of informative sites to extract from each sample
giraffe experimental, currently ignored
graph-gbz string; experimental, currently ignored
graph-dist string; experimental, currently ignored
graph-min string; experimental, currently ignored

Two manifest formats are accepted, depending on the format of input available.

For fastq input, the following columns are expected in the run manifest, by default at config/manifest.tsv:

Manifest column Description
projectid run ID, or other desired grouping of sequencing samples. this will be a subdirectory under individual tools in results/
sampleid sequencing ID for sample
r1 R1 fastq.gz file for sample. if using SRA data, specify as sra://SRR[0-9]+
r2 R2 fastq.gz file for sample. if using SRA data, specify NA here
lane (optional) sequencing lane code, with L00 prefix. if not specified, will be assumed to be L001. if the input fastq has combined lane data, specify as combined. if specifying SRA data, supply L001 here.

For bam input, which will be back-converted to fastq and realigned to the configured genome, the following columns are expected in the run manigest:

Manifest column Description
projectid run ID, or other desired grouping of sequencing samples. this will be a subdirectory under individual tools in results/
sampleid sequencing ID for sample
bam bam file containing pre-aligned reads for sample

Step 3: Install Snakemake

Install Snakemake using conda:

conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -n snakemake snakemake

For installation details, see the instructions in the Snakemake documentation.

Step 4: Execute workflow

Activate the conda environment:

conda activate snakemake

Test your configuration by performing a dry-run via

snakemake --use-conda -n

Execute the workflow locally via

snakemake --use-conda --cores $N

using $N cores or run it in a cluster environment via

snakemake --use-conda --use-singularity --profile sge-profile --cluster-config config/cluster.yaml --jobs 100

See the Snakemake documentation for further details.

Cluster profiles

Snakemake interfaces with job schedulers via cluster profiles. For running jobs on SGE, you can use the cookiecutter template here.

How to choose the pipeline's rule-specific dependency behavior

This pipeline is designed to be run using either conda or docker/singularity/apptainer to manage rule-specific dependencies. Snakemake's usual method for selecting between these options is to either specify --use-conda or --use-singularity during the snakemake command line invocation. However, due to a lack of a functional conda environment for DeepVariant, pure conda mode is not possible when using DeepVariant for variant calling.

To get around this discrepancy, this workflow should always be invoked with snakemake --use-conda --use-singularity. The user can then further control whether they want pure-container or (almost) pure-conda mode by setting the userspace configuration use-containers in config/config.yaml. In order to use containers, a local copy of the apptainer images built for this workflow is required; the method of acquiring these containers is TBD but will probably involve an S3 pull.

Step 5: Investigate results

Read Quality Control

Quality control data from fastqc and fastp are aggregated in a multiqc report at results/multiqc/{projectid}/multiqc.fastq.html. This version of the quality control report is split by lane within the report, if per-lane fastqs have been provided and annotated in the manifest.


Quality control data from the above read QC tools as well as somalier, verifybamid, alignstats, and assorted gatk4/picard analysis tools are aggregated in a multiqc report at results/multiqc/{projectid}/multiqc.alignment.html. This version of the quality report is currently under active modification, and should only be used for considering alignment QC results (as opposed to pre-alignment read QC) until further notice.

Variant Calling

All variant calling in this pipeline is conducted per-subject, ignoring batch data. SNV calls from the user-configured tool (e.g. DeepVariant) are aggregated in results/{toolname}/{projectid}/{sampleid}.sorted.vcf.gz. SV calls from ensemble calling based on user-configured tools and exclusion criteria are aggregated in results/final/{projectid}/{sampleid}.sv.vcf.gz. Note that these paths and filenames are subject to change before stabilization of the workflow.

GVCFs for Batch Calling

If the user has selected a compatible tool for SNV calling, gvcf files per-subject will be collected at results/deepvariant/{projectid}/{sampleid}.g.vcf.gz. These files are not used in the pipeline itself, and represent the raw output of deepvariant postprocess_variants. At some point, these will likely receive further processing in anticipation of use with e.g. GLnexus in a different pipeline. Also at some point, I'll probably add a flag for disabling the production of gvcf output, but that's not urgent.

Optional: emit methods description and software version data

Some users may be interested in a specific breakdown of workflow methods, relevant software versions pulled from conda, and the effects of certain important user configuration settings. This information can be generated upon completion of a workflow with the command snakemake -j1 --use-conda results/reports/methods_summary.html. This will create an additional output file, results/reports/methods_summary.html, that contains the best description of the workflow as was actually run. Note that this information focuses on methodology as opposed to results, and only requires the relevant conda environments be installed; so if you want to predict what the workflow will do before actually running it, complete user configuration, run snakemake -j1 --use-conda --conda-create-envs-only, and then run the aforementioned snakemake command target to generate a markdown description of what would happen if the pipeline were deployed.

Data Release

When the pipeline is run in release mode, postprocessed output files for each flowcell will be emitted under results/export/{flowcell_id}. The following files will be present, with modifications as annotated:

  • aligned reads, represented as lossless crams
    • the source reference fasta used for these files is both in the cram header as a @CO and also annotated in the output methods html
  • crai index files for the above cram files
  • SNV vcfs, bgzip-compressed, with the following modifications (derived from Pedersen et al.:
    • only FILTER=PASS variants
    • multiallelics split to biallelics
    • GQ >= 20
    • DP >= 10
    • for heterozygotes, allele balance on [0.2, 0.8]
    • for homozygous alts, allele balance <= 0.04
    • variants intersected with configured exclusion regions removed
  • tabix indices for the above vcfs
  • md5 sums for all above files
  • a plaintext manifest.tsv containing a list of the above data files
  • an immutable methods_summary.html representing the rendered version of the above methods description for the version of the pipeline that created the release
  • SVs TBD

(optional) Move Data to External Release Directory

A convenience rule exists for exporting data out of the workflow and into some sort of persistent storage location. This has been folded into the configuration setting behaviors -> outcome: "release". If the release endpoint is requested, and a local export directory has been specified with the configuration setting behaviors -> export-directory, the rule will do the following:

  • as necessary, the workflow will be run through the steps leading to the calling outcome
  • construct the requested export-directory if needed
    • if the working directory of the pipeline contains subdirectories of the patterns RT-\d+ or RU\d+, these will be created as subdirectories under the export directory, and exported files will be placed within. This behavior preserves legacy functionality and is deprecated.
  • move all *vcf.gz* and *cram* files from results/export to that directory
  • move the methods summary from results/export to that directory
  • edit the checksum files that were in results/export to no longer contain the relative paths specific to the workflow results directory structure
  • run md5sum -c on all files with checksums (cram, crai, vcf.gz, tbi) and report the results to results/export/md5_checks.txt

These behaviors are controlled by the utility shell script in workflow/scripts/export_data.bash, which can be called outside of the pipeline if desired as ./export_data.bash {export_directory} {md5_check_outfile.txt}. Again, this export is optional, but it's the most convenient way of getting processed vcfs and crams out of the pipeline at this time.

Step 6: Commit changes

Whenever you change something, don't forget to commit the changes back to your github copy of the repository:

git commit -a
git push

Step 7: Obtain updates from upstream

Whenever you want to synchronize your workflow copy with new developments from upstream, do the following.

  1. Once, register the upstream repository in your local copy: git remote add -f upstream or upstream if you do not have setup ssh keys.
  2. Update the upstream version: git fetch upstream.
  3. Create a diff with the current version: git diff HEAD upstream/default workflow > upstream-changes.diff.
  4. Investigate the changes: vim upstream-changes.diff.
  5. Apply the modified diff via: git apply upstream-changes.diff.
  6. Carefully check whether you need to update the config files: git diff HEAD upstream/default config. If so, do it manually, and only where necessary, since you would otherwise likely overwrite your settings and samples.

Step 8: Contribute back

In case you have also changed or added steps, please consider contributing them back to the original repository. This project follows git flow; feature branches off of dev are welcome.

  1. Clone the fork to your local system, to a different place than where you ran your analysis.
  2. Check out a branch off of dev:
git fetch
git checkout dev
git checkout -b your-new-branch
  1. Make whatever changes best please you to your feature branch.
  2. Commit and push your changes to your branch.
  3. Create a pull request against dev.


Testing infrastructure for embedded python and R scripts is installed under lib/ and workflow/scripts/. Additional testing coverage for the Snakemake infrastructure itself should be added once the workflow is more mature (see here).

Python testing with pytest

The testing under lib/ is currently functional. Partial testing exists for the builtin scripts under workflow/scripts: the new utilities for this implementation are tested, but some code inherited from the legacy pipeline(s) is not yet covered. To run the tests, do the following (from top level):

mamba install pytest-cov
pytest --cov=lib --cov=workflow/scripts lib workflow/scripts

R testing with testthat

The testing under workflow/scripts is currently functional. The tests can be run with the utility script run_tests.R:

Rscript ./run_tests.R

To execute the above command, the environment must have an instance of R with appropriate libraries:

mamba install -c bioconda -c conda-forge "r-base>=4" r-testthat r-covr r-r.utils r-desctools