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UQCS CodeGolf Website

Linux: travis build status

Windows: appveyor-build-status

This is a repository for the website for the codegolf puzzles at UQCS.


  • Python 3.4.0+

    • Virtualenv
    • Flask
    • Flask-OAuthlib
    • Flask-Login
    • Jinja2
    • Markdown
    • pytest
    • pylint
    • Sphinx
    • sqlalchemy
  • SQLLite

  • The three environment variables for the Github Oauth (more details below)

Developement Guide

To aid in setting up a development enviroment a Vagrant config has been provided as well as manual instructions.

Vagrant Setup

When having vagrant installed just run vagrant up and vagrant ssh to get a ssh terminal of the virtual machine. Following ports have been forwarded for access in the hosts webbrowser: (tcp: 5000)

Manual Setup

Windows (with Cygwin)

  1. Install python 3.4+ and navigate to project directory
  2. pip3 install virtualenv
  3. source venv/Scripts/activate
  4. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Start with python3

Building Docs

Change directories into the docs folder and run make html to build the html sources, make latexpdf can also be run if you have a latex distribution installed.

Running Server



Github Authorisation

Hello there local developer, wondering why you cant login? well head over to the developer section on github and go create a developer key. An example of what to register is listed below.

Application name: codegolf local Homepage URL: http://localhost:9000 Application Description: "" Authorization callback URL: http://localhost:9000/user/authorize

Its then the devs reponsability to setup these enviroment variables

  • 'CODEGOLF_GITHUB_CONSUMER_KEY' which is the github client id
  • 'CODEGOLF_GITHUB_CONSUMER_SECRET' which is the github client secret
  • 'CODEGOLF_SECRET_KEY' which is a random selection of characters

Also, when developing locally you need to set app.testing = True, make sure it is False when committing to Github. This value is able to be set inside codegolf/


Repository for the UQCS Code Golf Website







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
