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CMAQ Bugfix Branch

Kristen Foley edited this page Dec 7, 2024 · 23 revisions

CMAQ Version X+ Overview

New CMAQ versions are released on the 'main' branch. After a CMAQ release an additional bugfix or 'X+' branch is created. The X+ branch is a continually evolving branch and is intended for users who wish to adopt the most recent bugfixes or minor updates that improve model stability, efficiency, etc. The X+ code has not been thoroughly evaluated or characterized so users must assume the risk of any unforeseen and undocumented impacts of code changes that have been incorporated since the most recent documented public release. The thoroughly vetted version of these bugfixes and updates are then included in the next public release of CMAQ. For example, after CMAQv5.4 was released, a 5.4+ branch was added. All of the tagged updates in the 5.4+ branch were then released with CMAQv5.5.

Below is the record of tagged bugfix versions for each CMAQ release.

Record of changes to CMAQv5.5+

To clone code with all of the CMAQv5.5 bug fixes issue the following command from within a working directory on your server:

 git clone -b 5.5+ CMAQ_REPO
Tag PR Number PR Name Merge Date Brief Description
#226 Fix bug preventing CMAQ from running using SAPRC mechanisms 2024-12-06 The fix is to specify that CLNO2 does undergo dry deposition to avoid a model crash when using any of the SAPRC07 mechanisms.
#222 Corrected NLCD to BELD3 mapping for shrub/scrub and dwarf scrub 2024-12-06 Corrects an error in NLCD40 land use mapping for inline windblown dust calculations. Addresses issues #220.

Record of changes to CMAQv5.4+

To clone code with all of the CMAQv5.4 bug fixes issue the following command from within a working directory on your server:

 git clone -b CMAQv5.4.0.5_5Sept2024 CMAQ_5.4.0.5

Note, each tagged version of CMAQv5.4+ contains all updates from previous versions.

Tag PR Number PR Name Merge Date Brief Description
CMAQv5.4.0.5_5Sept2024 #218 Minor fixes to ELMO output algorithms 2024-09-05 This fixes several coding errors in the ELMO algorithm used to calculates post-processed variables online like total PM mass and mass of PM species in discrete size ranges. Addresses issues #210 and #212.
CMAQv5.4.0.4_9April2024 #215 fix bug in calculation of PMF_OC 2024-04-09 This fixes a bug in the calculation of the ELMO parameter PMF_OC, which inadvertently subtracts off non-carbonaceous mass that should instead be skipped. Addresses issue #213.
#201 Update config_cmaq.csh 2023-07-06 Community Contribution Fixes a typo in the config_cmaq.csh to address issue #199.
#198 Fix functionality of RBSTATS when using ROS3 2023-07-06 Community Contribution This fixes a bug in CCTM/src/gas/ros3/rbdriver.F that causes the model not to compile when using the conditional rbstats option.
#194 DDM3D fix May2023 2023-06-09 This fixes bugs impacting 2nd order DDM sensitivities and dry deposition sensitivity output.
#189 WRF-CMAQ Bugfix for UWIND and VWIND at Grid Cell Centers (mass points) 2023-05-04 This fixes a bug that impacts all processes that use the u and v wind components at mass points in the WRF-CMAQ coupled model.
#186 Isam update 21april2023 2023-04-28 This fixes several issues with CMAQ-ISAM as described in the PR documentation.
#183 Enable DDM-3D and ISAM calculations and output for Potential Vorticity option 2022-12-07 Inadvertently, DDM-3D and ISAM code were not functioning with the CMAQ 5.4 release when the potential vorticity option was enabled during compilation. This pull request corrects both models.
#182 Add precision to logfile process timing 2022-12-02 At high computational efficiency, the default precision provided for the timing metrics in the logfile was yielding 0.0. This PR adds 3 decimal places of precision to the timing output.
#181 Resolve time-stepping issue in ELMO when used within WRF-CMAQ and MPAS-CMAQ 2022-12-02 ELMO gives erroneous results in WRF-CMAQ and when using met inputs not aligned with hour time steps. This PR resolves the problem by adjusting the algorithm for identifying when the initial time step is hit for the simulation and synchronization cycles.
#180 BDSNP fix 2022-12-02 Online nitrogen deposition (NDEP) is erroneously enabled when using BDSNP in the released version of CMAQ 5.4. This PR corrects an IF statement that was meant to disable online nitrogen deposition.

Record of changes to CMAQv5.3.3+

To clone code with all of the CMAQv5.3.3 bug fixes issue the following command from within a working directory on your server:

 git clone -b CMAQv5.3.3.3_10May2022 CMAQv5.3.3.3_10May2022

Note, each tagged version of CMAQv5.3.3+ contains all updates from previous versions.

Tag PR Number PR Name Merge Date Brief Description
CMAQv5.3.3.3_10May2022 #168 WRF-CMAQv533+ 2022-05-10 Script and documentation update to ensure streamlined building of the WRF-CMAQ model intended for users who would like to run CMAQv5.3.3+ with WRFv4.4+.
CMAQv5.3.3.2_7May2022 #171 Remove files from chemistry utilities causing problems on MAC and WINDOWS systems 2022-05-07 Both the create_ebi and inline_phot_prerproc utilities have files in their source code directories that only differ in letter case in filenames. The property does not cause problems on Linux systems but can cause problems on Window and Macintosh systems. The pull request removes the unneeded files causing the problems.
#163 Resolve Bug for reading Emission Stream Families 2022-02-09 Bug fix to avoid errors when processing matches for emission stream families related to capitalization.
#164 Resolve bug in Low-NOx formation of SOA 2022-02-09 A typo in the SOA_DEFN data table resulted in high NOx reactions contributing to low-NOx species, which are quite low in volatility. This bug fix has a considerable impact on SOA if using AE6. No impact for AE7.
#165 Bugfix Speed up emissions processing in PTMET subroutine 2022-02-09 The PTMET subroutine is streamlined so that it is not run for every point source and every stream every time each stream is called. This update drastically reduces runtimes in areas where there happen to be lots of point sources on a particular processor. No impact on results.
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