This is a sample Express-NodeJS application that provides an API for calculating intersections.
- User authentication using JWT tokens
- Protected route for calculating intersections with authorization check
- Integration with turf.js library for intersection calculations
- Error handling for invalid linestring, missing/malformed request body, and authentication failures
- Node.js
- POST /login
- Login route for generating a JWT token.
- Request: { "username": "admin", "password": "password" }
- Response: { "token": "your-generated-jwt-token" }
POST /intersections
Protected route for calculating intersections. Requires authentication with a valid JWT token.
Request: { "linestring": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2] ] }
Response: (Success): { "intersectingLines": [ { "id": "L01", "start": [1, 1], "end": [2, 2] }, ] }
Response: (No intersections): { "intersectingLines": [] }