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Releases: WiIIiam278/HuskTowns

HuskTowns 3.1.2 - Web dump

26 Feb 18:57
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HuskTowns 3.1.2 is a minor release which adds a web dump command for customer service.

  • Added /husktowns dump to produce a system status dump of the plugin to the web

To update from 3.1.1, regenerate your locale (messages-xx-xx.yml) file.

HuskTowns 3.1.1 - Bug fixes

20 Feb 19:15
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HuskTowns 3.1.1 fixes bugs in the previous release

  • Fixed the set value of custom operation types failing to load correctly
  • Fixed a logic error with claim and plots causing rule loading inversion by @HookWoods (#566)
  • Updated the German (de-de) locales, courtesy of @Bensonheimer992 (#565)

To update from v3.1, just drag+drop.

HuskTowns 3.1 - API improvements & bug fixes

02 Feb 14:01
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HuskTowns 3.1 fixes bugs and improves the developer API in line with HuskClaims.

  • Added a /husktowns status command to view system status information (#561)
  • Improved system performance with a new user caching strategy
  • Fixed vehicle mobs being invincible outside of claims in certain cases
  • Fixed a NullPointerException that could occur when accepting town war declarations (#557)
  • API: Introduced new API for registering custom OperationTypes.
    • Lets mod and plugin developers register custom operation types and call actions to cancel actions based on HuskTowns town claims.
    • Documentation for this is available here.

To update from v3.0.8, just drag+drop.

HuskTowns 3.0.8 - 1.21.4 support, bug fixes

22 Dec 16:59
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HuskTowns 3.0.8 improves support for 1.21.4 and fixes bugs. This release will perform database migrations on startup, and requires updating or regenerating your flags.yml file.

  • Added PLACE_VEHICLE and BREAK_VEHICLE operation types and added handling for boats with chest in 1.21.4
  • Improved the performance of SQLite database mode; data is now stored in jsonb format
  • Fixed usernames with multiple underscores being formatting-escaped causing /town invite accept/decline to not work (#532)
  • Fixed a NoSuchElementException that could occur when using the town invite command (#531)
  • Fixed reeling an entity in with a fishing rod not being correctly protected against (#534)

To update, just drag+drop and update your flags.yml file (or regenerate if you haven't modified it from the default) with the new PLACE_VEHICLE and BREAK_VEHICLE operation types.

HuskTowns 3.0.7 - Bug fixes

05 Nov 21:40
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HuskTowns 3.0.7 fixes several bugs.

  • Players now require build trust by default to start raids in town claims.
  • Fixed a race condition when loading map hooks
  • Fixed damage dealt by the Sweeping Edge enchantment causing player damage in some cases, even when the PVP flag was disabled
  • Fixed thrown eggs & lit arrows by non-trustees can hatch chickens & light campfires in claims

To update, drag+drop and add the START_RAID operation type to the PUBLIC_BUILD_ACCESS flag in flags.yml.

HuskTowns 3.0.6 - Bug fixes

05 Oct 14:54
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HuskTowns 3.0.6 is fixes a few bugs present in the previous release.

  • Added Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) locales, courtesy of @yichifauzi (#494)
  • Added German (de-de) locales, courtesy of @Bensonheimer992 (#492)
  • Fixed using an ender pearl within a claim not working properly due to an improper victim damage check (#505)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException that could occur when a dynmap marker marker was removed, courtesy of @Rubenicos (#501)
  • API: Added new events for town wars: TownWarCreateEvent and TownWarEndEvent, courtesy of @thomasz05 (#491)

✅ Compatible with: Spigot/Paper 1.17.1-1.21.1 (download the right version for your server).

HuskTowns 3.0.5 - Minecraft 1.21, bug fixes

18 Jun 23:14
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HuskTowns 3.0.5 adds support for Minecraft 1.21, adds more placeholders, and fixes bugs.

  • Added support for Minecraft 1.20.6 and Minecraft 1.21
    • Town advancements have been temporarily disabled in this release due to a compatibility issue
  • Significantly improved the PlaceholderAPI hook, courtesy of @Rubenicos (#463)
    • All the current_location_town and town_leaderboard_{type}_{index} placeholders now can get an extensive town information, like mayor, members, member_count, claim_count, max_claims, max_members, crop_growth_rate, mob_spawner_rate, money, money_formatted, level_up_cost, level, max_level.
    • New money_formatted placeholder to get town money with a short formatting method, for example 1003000 will be converted to 1M3k.
    • Leaderboard placeholders now can be parsed without providing a player.
  • Fixed the WorldGuard hook failing to initialize in most cases, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#468)
  • Fixed calculated flags not caching correctly, causing performance regressions (#458)
  • Removed the "brigadier tab completion" and commodore support. A better solution will be implemented in the future.

To update, just drag+drop.

📋 HuskTowns binaries are only distributed on Spigot, Polymart, or BuiltByBit.

HuskTowns 3.0.4 - Hotfix

09 Apr 19:18
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HuskTowns 3.0.4 fixes a critical bug in the previous release, v3.0.3.

  • Fixed town claims failing to persist in 3.0.3

To update, just drag+drop.

📋 HuskTowns binaries are only distributed on Spigot, Polymart, or BuiltByBit.

HuskTowns 3.0.3 - Better performance, WorldGuard hook

04 Apr 17:21
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HuskTowns 3.0.3 improves plugin performance and adds a WorldGuard hook.

  • Significantly improved claim caching for faster lookups. This should have considerable performance improvements for larger servers.
  • Added WorldGuard API hook for land claim prevention, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#435)
  • Added config options for changing chat characters used in the town map, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#427)
  • Updated the Simplified Chinese (zh-cn) locales, courtesy of @jhqwqmc and @MSCMDD (#421, #426, #439)
  • Fixed some missing startup error trace logging

To update, just drag+drop.

📋 HuskTowns binaries are only distributed on Spigot, Polymart, or BuiltByBit.

HuskTowns 3.0.2 - Hotfix

19 Feb 13:11
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HuskTowns 3.0.2 fixes a console spam error in the previous release

  • Fixed a NullPointerException related to flag caching.

To update from 3.0.1, just drag+drop. To update from v3.0, you may wish to regenerate your flags.yml. You should also regenerate your messages-xx-xx.yml file.

📋 HuskTowns binaries are only distributed on Spigot, Polymart, Craftaro, or BuiltByBit.