XOOPS Publisher 1.07 RC2
- reverted in_array() true check (mamba)
- added language folder for test data (mamba)
- added expiration date (goffy)
- added option to select sort/order in block spotlight (goffy)
- fixed bug in item_spot (goffy)
- fixed bug in saving item - saving without image was not possible (goffy)
- restructured templates for better readability (goffy)
- fixed bug in deleting category (goffy)
- detect whether article was truncated or not (goffy)
- implemented possibility to preselect image categories (goffy)
- added 'show more articles' to item_spot (goffy)
- fixed problem with multiple cat select in item_spot (goffy)
- added feedback tab (mamba)
- added migration tab for developers (mamba)
- fixed typo, issue #109 (cesagonchu/mamba)
- added preloads, issue #107 (liomj/mamba)
- added missing option[10] default, issue #10 (aerograf /mamba)
- added <script>javascript (mamba)
- $publisherIsAdmin consistency (mamba)
- fixed Future Post appeared in blocks, issue #91 (myblackrx/liomj/mamba)