Choose the width and height of the browser source to your liking.
Higher = Slower moving text
Wider = more text displayed at once
- Head over to and login with a Twitch account (does not matter which)
- When you are signed in, head to the dashboard and click "connect account", connect your Spotify account
- When your account is connected click "edit" on the connected Spotify account
- Click "Copy account secret"
- In OBS, use the link in your browser source
- Remove all default CSS styling settings in the OBS browser source to prevent changes to the overlay. Then done!
Make the text smaller by &textScale=0.75 (makes the text 0.75x the original size)
Make the text smaller by &imgSize=50 (makes the image take 50% of the full height)
Make the background box have round corners by &roundBox=10 (gives it a 10 pixel radius)
Make the image have round corners by &round>Img=10 (gives it a 10 pixel radius)