I am no longer an active developer for this platform...
How to install my scripts (method 1):
- Install the PyInstaller script through method 2 (DOWNLOAD)
- type "!pyinstall [script name]" in your chat to automatically install the script! (SCRIPTNAMES)
- DONE! Do the same with other scripts on this list: https://yazaar.github.io/Streamlabs-PyInstaller-Properties/
How to install my scripts (method 2):
- Go to the script you want to download (press the link)
- Press the green button named "Clone or Download" and press "Download ZIP"
- Go to the downloaded file and open the ZIP file.
- Find a ZIP file inside the downloaded ZIP file. Drag out that ZIP file.
- Open streamlabs chatbot and go to the scripts tab
- Press the import button found top right, locate the ZIP-file you dragged out and press OPEN.
I could not find the ZIP file if the chatbot and the ZIP was on different disks, place them in the same if issues occurs! - The script is now installed!
Available Scripts:
PyInstaller - https://github.com/Yazaar/Streamlabs-Chatbot-Scripts/tree/PyInstaller
Gamble - https://github.com/Yazaar/Streamlabs-Chatbot-Scripts/tree/Gamble
ViewerCommands - https://github.com/Yazaar/Streamlabs-Chatbot-Scripts/tree/ViewerCommands
LootDropper - https://github.com/Yazaar/Streamlabs-Chatbot-Scripts/tree/LootDropper
Announce++ - https://github.com/Yazaar/Streamlabs-Chatbot-Scripts/tree/announce++
RussianRoulette - https://github.com/Yazaar/Streamlabs-Chatbot-Scripts/tree/RussianRoulette