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DAP support c

Zeioth edited this page Aug 14, 2023 · 14 revisions

In order to debug your programs, you have to compile them in debug mode as described next

Compiling C in debug mode

Create a .solution.toml file in your working directory. Then pass the -g argument to the compiler like this

entry_point = "/path/to/my/entry_point_file/main.c"
output = "/path/where/the/program/will/be/written/hello_world"
arguments = "-g"

That will tell the compiler to compile in debug mode.

How to setup DAP to debug with C

Please note that this section has nothing to do with compiler.nvim. I'm documenting this to make your life easier. To debug C with DAP you have to:

Here you have an example of how to configure DAP for C

local dap = require("dap")

-- C
dap.adapters.codelldb = {
  type = 'server',
  port = "${port}",
  executable = {
    command = vim.fn.stdpath('data')..'/mason/bin/codelldb',
    args = {"--port", "${port}"},
    detached = function() if vim.fn.has('win32') == 1 then return false else return true end end,
dap.configurations.c = {
    name = 'Launch',
    type = 'lldb',
    request = 'launch',
    program = function() -- Ask the user what executable wants to debug
      return vim.fn.input('Path to executable: ', vim.fn.getcwd() .. '/bin/program', 'file')
    cwd = '${workspaceFolder}',
    stopOnEntry = false,
    args = {},

How to check if everything works

Compile your program with Build solution, add a break point to your code, and then run DAP. You will see something like this.


Important for you to know

  • If you find any issue while configuring DAP, run :DapSetLogLevel trace and :DapShowLog to find the reason.
  • Update 11/08/2023: Passing arguments in a .solution.toml file is not required anymore, as by default Compiler.nvim now passes the -g argument to the C compiler (gcc) to enable debug mode. But if you create a .solution.toml file in your project you will still have to set the argument manually, as that will overwrite the default compiler arguments with your own.