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Kotlin compiler

Zeioth edited this page Aug 27, 2023 · 18 revisions

Available options

Here I explain what every option of the compiler does for Kotlin.

compiler option description command it runs
Build and run program Generate a class per file in ./bin and run MainKt.class
Build program Generate a class per file in ./bin
Build program program and package as .jar Generates ./bin/MainKt.jar. Use it when you want to distribute your application.
Run program Runs ./bin/MainKt.jar
Build solution Check example .solution.toml here. Be aware kotlin solutions only work with class files, not .jar files.
Android studio build and install apk (adb) Uses adb to build and install the apk in your android smartphone. Note this will only work if adb is properly configured.
Android studio build and install apk Generate apk in your computer.
Run REPL Run the kotlin REPL kotlin
Run Makefile Makefile -f ./Makefile

Using a virtual machine

You can leverage .solution.toml to generate a APK and run it on a virtual machine when working with an Android Studio project.

This section is currenly WIP


While we do offer the option build and package as .jar, we don't offer the same option for solutions. You will have to run the option for every program of the solution separately when you want to distribute your solution.