Ruby support for Max and Max for Live, built on top of JRuby
1.x version. Ready for general use.
Adam Murray (
File an issue @ or email me @
Download this project, either:
- via the download link on this project's github page
- or via git:
If this is your first time getting the project with git, use:
git clone
If you already cloned the project and want the latest version, from the project directory run:
git pull
Go to the project folder on the command line:
cd jruby_for_max
Run the rake 'dist' task to build the project:
java -jar lib/jruby.jar -S rake dist
Take a look in dist/jruby_for_max-{version}/INSTALL.txt for installation instructions to start using it with Max/MSP or Max for Live.
In order to build this project, you must install a JDK and have the JDK's "bin" folder on your path. You can check by typing "jar" on the command line. If it says something like "jar is not a recognized command", then you need to follow these steps (after installing a JDK if you haven't already done so).
- Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings
- Click "Advanced" tab -> Environment Variables...
- Find the "Path" variable under System Variables and click Edit...
- Go to the end of the variable value and add ";C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22\bin" (adjust the path as needed for your computer, and make sure you put a semicolon before this path and the preceding part of the variable value)
Now if you open a command prompt and type "jar" you should see usage instructions for the jar command. That means your JDK and path are setup correctly, and you should be able to build this project.