A system for modeling and visualization the nutrient requirement of dairy cattle.
# The development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("remotes")
imports the cattle data downloaded from Dairy Cattle Improvement Center (http://www.dcic.co.kr) into R.
read_cattle(path = "검정성적.xls", drop.zero = FALSE, add = FALSE)
This function read the multiple xls files in the working directory.
A function for plotting the milk yield of the herd.
df <- read_cattle(path = "검정성적.xls", drop.zero = TRUE, add = TRUE)
dim_my(data = df, grid = FALSE, line = TRUE, density = FALSE, text = FALSE)
dim_my(data = df, grid = TRUE, line = TRUE, density = FALSE, text = FALSE)
dim_my(data = df, grid = TRUE, line = TRUE, density = TRUE, text = FALSE)
A function for plotting the MUN-MP analysis.
mun_mp(data = df, grid = FALSE, line = TRUE, density = TRUE, text = FALSE)
mun_mp(data = df, grid = TRUE)
mun_mp(data = df, grid = TRUE, line = TRUE, density = TRUE, text = FALSE) +
labs(title = 'Date: {frame_time}', x = 'MUN', y = 'Milk protein') +
transition_time(검정일) +
A function for classification of the MUN-MP groups. It returns list of classified herd.
mun_mp_tbl(data = df, dataframe = TRUE)
A function for plotting the milk fat-protein analysis.
fat_prot(data = df, grid = FALSE, line = TRUE, density = TRUE, text = FALSE)
A function for time schedule for parturition of herd.
개발중인 패키지입니다.
Email: ruminoreticulum@gmail.com